How Long Should You Rest Between Muscle Building Sessions?

Written by Rick Mitchell

Continued from page 1
to repair and recover. Any further exposure ofrepparttar affected muscle to intensive activity will interfere withrepparttar 112987 recovery process and actually prevent it from achieving maximum growth. However, usingrepparttar 112988 muscle to assist in exercising other body parts or even taking part in low intensity aerobic exercise will not prevent recovery.

It follows therefore that each muscle group should be trained intensively only once each week in order to allow full recovery. This can be achieved by incorportating a split training regime that allows you to work out several times each week but still exercise each muscle group intensively only once every seven days.

Rick Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Advice to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

Exercise The Right Way - The Flat Bench Press

Written by Rick Mitchell

Continued from page 1

MUSCLES TARGETED: pectoralis major


Assume a supine position on a bench. Grasprepparttar bar with a closed, pronated grip. Grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Placerepparttar 112986 bar overrepparttar 112987 chest withrepparttar 112988 elbows fully extended. This isrepparttar 112989 starting point for all repetitions.


Lowerrepparttar 112990 bar to touchrepparttar 112991 chest at nipple level. Keeprepparttar 112992 wrists rigid directly aboverepparttar 112993 elbows.


Pushrepparttar 112994 bar upward untilrepparttar 112995 elbows are fully extended. Keeprepparttar 112996 wrists rigid directly aboverepparttar 112997 elbows. Do not arch back or raise chest to meetrepparttar 112998 bar. Repeat or finish set.

Rick Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Advice to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

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