How I Escaped Database Hell!

Written by Marlon Sanders

Continued from page 1

To continue, I fired it up andrepparttar names imported like a champ. About 10 times easier than Microsoft Access, I might add.

To de-duperepparttar 109680 list, all I had to do was select "Find unique or distinct records."

In an instant my list was de-duped and ready for mailing!

Holy smokes!

Could it be that a database actually made something easy? What a relief. Next, I needed to exportrepparttar 109681 list so I could pull it into an email program.

I neededrepparttar 109682 list in pipe delimited format separated by pipes that look like this: |

In database lingo, that's called a pipe.

Guess what?

It took only an instant in Approach. Again, I found it 100 times easier than Access. But I don't want to blame Access. I had downloaded some other databases fromrepparttar 109683 Net whose names I won't mention.

They were no easier to use for this simple task than Access was.

Finally, I talked to a friend of mine who is a techno whiz. He uses Q & A because he had problems using Access also. He makes lots of queries to Access to find customers who bought products one and two, or who bought withinrepparttar 109684 last 60 days and so forth.

He got quotes from database experts about making these queries and they told him how complicated it would be.

He does it in a flash with Q & A. I'm told that database isn't even marketed any longer. So I'm headed down to my used bookstore to see if they have an old copy.

And I'm also checking out query procedures in Approach. Interestingly enough, though, when I asked my friend if it was easy to de-dupe records in Q & A, he said he didn't know of a way to do it.

So there you have it.

Now, I only have a few more windmills left to joust. For example, my list of associates isn't clean.

Some ofrepparttar 109685 email addresses are inrepparttar 109686 name field! Oh boy, have you ever tried to move data from one field torepparttar 109687 next?

You'd think you could selectrepparttar 109688 cell, and dragrepparttar 109689 data to another cell.

Logical right?

Answer? Guess again bucko! Here's another, know all those ding dongs who type their names in capital letters? So when you suck their names into your database, it's in all caps? Then you send them email, their name is naturally in caps, and they email you back nasty things blaming you for screaming at them?

Of course, only after complaining to your ISP that you spammed them andrepparttar 109690 capital letters are proof you're a novice who doesn't know yet that spamming is a no-no.

Well get this: In Q & A, you can hit a button and put all records in a column into caps and lower case.

Sure would be cool if you could do that in Approach or Access. You'd think there would be an email program that would also do this for you.

I mean, this beingrepparttar 109691 age of email and all...

Hey, for all you database gurus out there, I've put up a little discussion board you can visit and share your wisdom withrepparttar 109692 rest of us database hacks.

And don't spam it with mlm ads or I'm putting YOUR email address in all caps, firing up my old database program, exportin' your name in pipe delimited and zippin' a nasty note off to your ISP about howrepparttar 109693 caps prove you're a novice spammer who doesn't even know caps mean screaming!


The board is at:

Marlon Sanders, author of "The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy" at and, in spite of his database woes, author or "How to Create The Ultimate, Automated Web Business at:

How I made $6,350 in 4 days using a simple method anyone can follow

Written by Marlon Sanders

Continued from page 1

That means your potential profits have almost no limit andrepparttar money you risk to get that payoff is quite small if you already have products and a web site.

You don't have to be Microsoft to use his methods. They work for small, medium and large companies alike.

Not that you'll becomerepparttar 109679 next Microsoft or an overnight millionaire. But Jonathan does use his methods with people and companies in those categories.

To my knowledge, Jonathan isrepparttar 109680 only person explainingrepparttar 109681 magic of "per transaction" marketing in a format where you can actually apply it to your business tomorrow morning.

It's something that Jonathan found out by working "hands on" withrepparttar 109682 big corporations. This IS whatrepparttar 109683 serious Internet marketing companies are doing because you can scale up from small to giant volume in a flash.

Ezine ads and other methods are great for getting started. But how are you ever going to getrepparttar 109684 VOLUME that hauls in big bucks -- without spending a fortune on advertising?

That's what Jonathan shows you...

One last thing: You may not be able to tell it fromrepparttar 109685 sound of his sales letter, but his product is NOTHING like mine.

He covers totally different types of information than yours truly. While per transaction marketing is not new, Jonathan's insights and insider info on how companies are exploding with this method is hot and new.

That's why I felt a duty and an obligation to introduce you to my good friend and one ofrepparttar 109686 most astonishing marketers I know who has been publishing his newsletter since beforerepparttar 109687 World Wide Web even existed.

With great pleasure, I introduce you torepparttar 109688 unmatched genius of Jonathan Mizel.

Please go to:

AOL users click here

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders"

How do you send out an email like that? I like two products:

One: A great product for beginners that comes with an A to Z how to manual.

Two: I use Mail King because it allows me to put a name inrepparttar 109689 subject field ofrepparttar 109690 email. But it did take awhile for me to figure out how to use it.

Format your email letter in a text editor such as text pad and place a hard return at or before 65 characters on a line. This prevents your email from wrapping and looking like garbage when it arrives in your customer's email box.

When you do your mailing, expect .5% ofrepparttar 109691 list to buy. However,repparttar 109692 true answer is that you'll know your response rate a week after you email your sales letter. The bulk of your responses will come in within 72 hours.

Follow this simple two-step formula and you can create money out of thin air anytime you need it.

Marlon Sanders is author of "The Amazing Formula That Sells Like Crazy" and "How to Create Your Own Products In A Flash." For an in-depth look at the formula presented in this letter, visit Marlon's web site at:

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