How Hillary Adams taught her 12-year-old the Concept of "Passive Income"

Written by B Ina Bliss

Continued from page 1

Aaron thought for a minute. His answer surprised Hillary: "Mom, I don't know if I could do it by myself. But with you there, I guess so. And after that,...yes, mom, I guess I can do it."

Thirdly, as they set uprepparttar machine in a few days, and impatiently waited for their first cash pick-up day to arrive, Hillary noticedrepparttar 106828 benefits of her actions had already begun to materialize and she was quite pleased.

The exciting 'Switch' she had intended had taken place, from her son's waiting to be given money to his own plan of action, from 'give me' to 'I can do it MYSELF'. His attitude, after re-paying herrepparttar 106829 amount forrepparttar 106830 table-top game machine would now berepparttar 106831 one of a responsible business person. Now that he had done it once, he would always be able to do it. He would not remain inrepparttar 106832 "poor" thinking mode.

He would eliminaterepparttar 106833 feeling of lack of money from his life, while he now hadrepparttar 106834 self-esteem and confidence to investrepparttar 106835 surplus of his machines, after purchasing a few more, in his very own college fund.

The moral? Without looking, you don't find. Such a small change is bound to turn Aaron's life around, for he is already onrepparttar 106836 way to becoming an accomplished business owner. "How old is he?", you ask? He's only 12 years old.

B Ina Bliss, Believer & Fearless Entrepreneur, here providing some 'Facts of Life', but generally working on her new, revolutionary Universal Business Success System for your benefit.

Risk, Failure and Wild Success

Written by Jackie Ulmer

Continued from page 1

business altogether, read on.

There are numerous "house-hold name" companies that look nothing

like they did inrepparttar beginning. Two that immediately come to

mind are Hewlett Packard and Nintendo. Both of these companies

were smart enough to shift their direction asrepparttar 106827 times and

market dictated.

Nintendo originally began as a playing card manufacturer, and,

realizing thatrepparttar 106828 company was actually inrepparttar 106829 entertainment

business as opposed to a playing card business, shifted the

company focus.

Today, they are one ofrepparttar 106830 most successful electronic and video

game companies inrepparttar 106831 world.

Know what your focus is, not justrepparttar 106832 product and service you

are selling. Have a vision that is bigger.

Are you selling weight loss products or an enhanced self-image

and better health? Are you offering Internet Service or an

incredible system of communication, education and resources?

It's important that you are clear on what your business is

really about so that you can recognize when you may need to take

some risks.

So how do you know whether or not to take a risk? Follow these

steps to make it as calculated as you can.

1. Use your head, don't just follow your emotions. Gut feelings

are important, but you must also do your research carefully.

Find as many resources as you can for information. Talk to

people and don't be afraid to ask direct questions.

2. Write out a list of best case scenarios and worst case

scenarios. This exercise should provide you with a good

measuring tool, if you are fair, reasonable and honest with


3. Testrepparttar 106833 waters if possible. Do a little market research.

If you're deciding whether or not to go fulltime, take a month

leave of absence and see how it goes. If you are trying out

a new product line, choose a few of your best customers and

introduce it to them and ask for feedback. And, if you are

considering changingrepparttar 106834 course of your business entirely,

begin seeking out new customers or associates for your new


4. Finally, have faith in yourself and your ability to make

the decision that is right for you!

Every fortune that's been made has involved some degree of

risk, as have all great inventions, business ideas or


At some point, assuming all else points inrepparttar 106835 right direction,

you must close your eyes, trust your instincts and take a leap

of faith!

Remember, you can't steal second with your foot on first base!

Jackie Ulmer, a veteran Home Business Owner, has coached thousands of men and women on starting a successful home business. Her free newsletter provides ongoing tips, resources and options for home businesses. Subscribe by email to She can be reached through her web site at

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