How Heavy Hitters Avoid Rejection Working MLM Leads

Written by Ed Forteau

Continued from page 1

Critical point #3 – Successful heavy hitters look at time management differently. They are usingrepparttar 80/20 rule to their advantage. How? By getting in a position to only get rejected by capable prospects. Knowing low quality prospects can’t move their business forward, they continually seek ways to only talk to higher probable prospects.

Capable prospects who are also looking arerepparttar 122479 people you need to build a strong six-figure income. Capable means they haverepparttar 122480 ability to build a business. They’ll have a bigger warm circle of influence, better people skills, ability to inspire and lead a group, stay on auto-ship longer, buy a sufficient number of MLM leads every month, and they’ll enter your opportunity at higher levels. Any MLM lead list contains about 23% of what we call these “top tier” prospects.

Looking means they’re ready to take action immediately after they’ve been through your information process. Frustration is talking to or sponsoring someone who is looking but NOT capable.

Here liesrepparttar 122481 big problem inrepparttar 122482 industry. MLM lead list brokers only tell you who’s looking. The process of optimizing MLM leads tells you who’s probable of being successful.

We’ve noticed heavy hitters have beenrepparttar 122483 early adopters of MLM lead optimization.

Because they are time conscious and want to only be softly rejected by capable people, they’re only calling 20-25% of their MLM lead lists. They’re focusing 80% of their time on capable and looking prospects.

The time they’re saving by not prospecting and working withrepparttar 122484 wrong prospects is spent withrepparttar 122485 family, traveling and enjoying their MLM lifestyle.

Ed Forteau is the Co-Founder of His is the only company in the MLM lead list industry which optimizes MLM lists to pinpoint the prospects most probable of being capable.

The Struggling Internet Marketer

Written by Bobby Walker

Continued from page 1

search and not see his face. Stone has almost blasted throughrepparttar

stratosphere with his Plug-in Profit website, while helping net newbies

develop some type of structure and business plan for lifetime residual

income. Like thousands of other people, I to have a Plug-in Profit website

that has been a breeze to setup. With only minor stumbles here and there, I

have navigated my way throughrepparttar 122478 site to it's completion. If you can read

the directions on a box of Hamburger Helper, you can start an online business

with Stone's website. (All your work is inrepparttar 122479 promotion.)

I hope to make some type of profit atrepparttar 122480 end of my first full month, while

it will probably be trivial, it's a start! Giving me and thousands of others

enough inspiration to not give up on their dreams. From what I've experienced

so far, It's definitely worthrepparttar 122481 time and effort to promote one yourself.

Go to and sign up for your free newsletter, and see

if Plug-in Profits is right for you.

35 year old part-time netprenuer from the Dallas Texas area. Hoping to make internet marketing a full-time job by the end of 2005.

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