How Healthy Is Your Lifestyle

Written by Loring A. Windblad

Continued from page 1
Curiously, computers sometimes elicit more personal information about sensitive lifestyle areas than a doctors interview. For instance, many people find it easier to report excess alcohol consumption to a computer than to a physician. Women, especially, seem more likely to confide alcohol, sexual and other problems to a computer than to a doctor. Computerized psychiatric histories sometimes spot problems missed by clinicians - such as suicidal thoughts, anxiety, depression or phobias. Adolescent and student lifestyles especially poor. One recent study found that seven out of 10 people questioned were particularly worried about nutrition and half were also concerned about physical inactivity. A study of Queen's University students found that over 80 per cent fail to get regular medical/dental care, and over half consume excess alcohol and have poor management of work-leisure time. Study results show student health problems with: * Alcohol: * Cannabis: * Cigarettes: * Stress: * Inactivity: * Weight: * Sex: * Condom use: Adolescent eating habits can endanger health. Many adolescents receive inadequate nutrition due to poor diets, irregular eating habits and eating disorders that stem fromrepparttar wish to conform to society's idealization of thinness. "Weight control" techniques such as self-induced vomiting and diarrhea are widespread. A recent U.S. National Adolescent Health Survey found 61 per cent of adolescent females and 28 per cent of adolescent males were dieting, 51 per cent often fasted, 16 per cent used diet pills and 12 per cent practiced vomiting. Teens had poor dietary practices because of: * Excessive preoccupation with physical appearance; * Western society's obsession with thinness; * Eating disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. Lifestyle habits can improve health: * not smoking tobacco; * maintaining desirable weight (avoiding obesity); * good nutrition (following Canada's Food Guide); * exercising regularly and sufficiently (at least 30 minutes three times a week); * getting enough sound nightly sleep (7-8 hours); * avoiding accidental injuries by taking safety measures (such as seatbelts and helmets); * practicing motor vehicle safety; * moderating alcohol use; * avoiding other recreational drugs; * getting regular dental care and medical check-ups as advised; * fostering family, work and social networks; * having safe and satisfying sexual relationships; * avoiding or learning how to cope with excess stress; * enjoining sufficient leisure-time activities and relaxation; * getting any needed therapy for mental problems. Lifestyle changes occur in five stages Stage 1: Pre-contemplation -repparttar 114039 health risk of a particular life-style activity is (largely) unrecognized, denied or trivialized. Stage 2: Contemplation - admitting to a health risk and thinking about making a change "some day. Stage 3: Preparation - motivated and ready for change "soon", planning how and what to do, often setting an actual date. Stage 4: Action - active steps to change behaviour - e.g., giving up cigarettes, walking to work instead of driving, drinking less - setting a specific schedule and definite goals. Stage 5: Maintenance - long-term change achieved and kept up. Just asking can make a difference. Surveys show that many people expect physicians or nurses to ask about and give advice or information regarding health. Givenrepparttar 114040 chance, many people would like to discuss lifestyle concerns such as nutrition, obesity, alcohol,other drug use, family conflicts, elderly relatives, sexual problems and chronic pain - but often hesitate to do so unless asked.

Loring Windblad has studied nutrition and exercise for more than 40 years, is a published author and freelance writer. His latest business endeavor is at

Beauty Basics - Eight Tips For Naturally Beautiful Hair

Written by Ololade Franklin

Continued from page 1

5. Look for essential oils, herbs and vegetable oils in your hair care products. Essential oils such as rosemary, ylang-ylang and west indian bay help to stimulate hair growth. Lavender and tea tree and naturally antiseptic and help to fight dandruff. Vegetable oils such as soybean oil, safflower oil and corn oil are moisturizing and conditioning torepparttar hair shaft.

6. Avoid sleeping in hair accessories such as barrettes, scrunchies, head bands, etc. This can lead to hair damage.

7. Massage your scalp to help stimulate hair growth. Massaging helps stimulate hair growth by increasingrepparttar 114038 blood flow torepparttar 114039 scalp. This nourishesrepparttar 114040 hair roots and helps to stimulaterepparttar 114041 hair growth process.

8. If your hair ends are damaged, give yourself a trim every so often to remove damage.

Ololade Franklin publishes Making Good Scents(TM), a newsletter for people who make their own bath and body care products. For information about Making Good Scents(TM) visit

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