How Elliptical Machines Work

Written by Jennifer Dennis

Continued from page 1

Sincerepparttar pedals are available to be used in two different fashions, a fitness user can enjoy two distinct types of exercise routines. If you pedal forward, you will feel a strong workout inrepparttar 112935 glutes, quadriceps, calf muscles and more. Pedal backwards, however, and you can feel a stronger burn in your quadriceps and calf muscles within minutes. Either way,repparttar 112936 elliptical trainer is versatile and strong enough to handlerepparttar 112937 routine andrepparttar 112938 user can experience a challenging and rewarding workout.

The elliptical trainer has only been around for a few years, so we can expect to see great advantages inrepparttar 112939 years ahead. The fitness industry is a demanding and competitive industry, which is excellent news for fitness enthusiasts. Asrepparttar 112940 competition grows,repparttar 112941 need for greater and greater machines is imperative. Already, we have seen more fitness programs, smoother workouts on pedals and increased resistance for a more intense workout.

From beginners to advanced fitness buffs,repparttar 112942 elliptical trainer provides an outstanding workout each timerepparttar 112943 user jumps on board. Although critics initially scoffed atrepparttar 112944 elliptical trainer, saying thatrepparttar 112945 machine would only be around temporarily,repparttar 112946 prediction has not come true. This so-called “fad” trainer has evolved, grown and exerted its influence into public gyms and private home gym environments alike.

Where willrepparttar 112947 machine go from here? Today,repparttar 112948 range of benefits and features are limited only by what a user is willing to pay to purchase his or her own machine. Fitness manufacturers, such asrepparttar 112949 original Precor, are helping to set repparttar 112950 stage to bring more and more exciting features torepparttar 112951 fitness landscape.

Next time you jump on an elliptical trainer, you will be able to experience a great workout—and have a better understanding ofrepparttar 112952 intricacies ofrepparttar 112953 machinery underneath your body. Enjoy a strong workout and a leaner body when you work your lower and upper body muscles simultaneously. Jump on board an elliptical machine for your next fitness workout today!

Aboutrepparttar 112954 Author: Jennifer Dennis is a successful author and regular contributor to - a fitness and treadmill industry resource that features treadmill reviews, guides, product descriptions and articles.

About the Author: Jennifer Dennis is a successful author and regular contributor to - a fitness and treadmill industry resource that features treadmill reviews, guides, product descriptions and articles.

Lose Weight by Sleeping?

Written by Alex Sharp

Continued from page 1

Some people may require less hours of sleep to be in top condition duringrepparttar day; while others need more than 10 hours. But experts agree that most people need at least eight hours of sleep each night to give themselves enough energy to exercise, eat right and keep off those unwanted pounds. Yet, according to a poll sponsored byrepparttar 112934 National Sleep Foundation, only 30 percent of adults get eight or more hours of sleep on weeknights; while 52 percent do on weekends. A third of adults reportedly sleep no more than six-and-a-half hours nightly.

In fact, disruption inrepparttar 112935 sleeping patterns inrepparttar 112936 United States and inrepparttar 112937 industrialized world is thought as one ofrepparttar 112938 main reasons that people are getting overweight. People should start making behavioral and lifestyle changes now for a better, healthier tomorrow.

For further information on getting a good night's sleep, please visit

Alex Sharp is the founder of, a program designed to help men with all issues of their life.

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