Continued from page 1
-- Testimonials page ?
If you have some testimonials from former customers, show them to us on a separate page of your site. Be sure to protect those people who make testimonials and only share their contact information with their permission.
-- FAQ section ?
Most sites have a number of typical, repeat questions. You may cover most of these by including an FAQ page on your site. It sure does cut down a lot on those messages that you have answered a hundred times.
Another way you can save some time and effort, is by setting up f*ee autoresponders which will answer most relevant questions.
Having as much information about you, your business, and contact details are all a part of providing your customer a safe, trustworthy and reliable means of doing business with someone online.
-- Larry Johnson
GET A QUICK START in this FR*E, weekly promotional marketing ezine. Each issue offers powerful marketing tips, resources fresh ideas and original articles on how to create, promote and market your own business, e-book and newsletter. You will discover information with a "How-to-do-it" approach. Join us now for
full scoop!

Larry Johnson has been working online for more than 9 years as a writer, publisher and webmaster. He has been nationally publisher in Home & Business magazine.