How Does Internet Marketing Cut Steps from the Marketing Process?

Written by Scott F. Geld

Continued from page 1

Potential customers can get information about your company's products and services instantly. They can make a buying decision right away and place orders themselves. The result is increased sales and a shorter sales cycle.

Email allows information with customers and potential buyers to be exchanged quickly. You can respond online, eliminating personal visits or telephone calls.

Internet marketing makes tapping international markets feasible. Time and distance barriers are erased andrepparttar global community is suddenly within reach.

Compared to traditional forms of marketing, Internet marketing has many advantages. Direct marketing and face-to-face selling will likely always be an important part of a marketing strategy. But,repparttar 120716 advantages of Internet marketing are clear. Who doesn't want to get more customers, save time and make more money?

Scott F. Geld is the Marketing Director of, a company providing targeted traffic and leads:

Six Ways To Build Trust

Written by Larry Johnson

Continued from page 1

-- Testimonials page ?

If you have some testimonials from former customers, show them to us on a separate page of your site. Be sure to protect those people who make testimonials and only share their contact information with their permission.

-- FAQ section ?

Most sites have a number of typical, repeat questions. You may cover most of these by including an FAQ page on your site. It sure does cut down a lot on those messages that you have answered a hundred times.

Another way you can save some time and effort, is by setting up f*ee autoresponders which will answer most relevant questions.

Having as much information about you, your business, and contact details are all a part of providing your customer a safe, trustworthy and reliable means of doing business with someone online.

-- Larry Johnson


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Larry Johnson has been working online for more than 9 years as a writer, publisher and webmaster. He has been nationally publisher in Home & Business magazine.

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