How Did I Get Started Online?

Written by Abel Cheng

Continued from page 1

Whenever I recommend this free course to my friends,repparttar 300-page plus course really puts them off. They don't bother to read such a long book, they expect something easier than this. They are looking for shortcuts but unfortunately there's none.

If you want to be successful, you have to put in a lot of effort.

Ken's free course is superb and it helps me to avoid mistakes that most people do when they first started. I owe this to Ken. If you don't read this course, then success is too far for you.

Corey and Ken arerepparttar 118856 most influential people for me on Internet business. Both of them are great innovators and great marketers.

Alongrepparttar 118857 way, my partners and I actually deviated from our original business model. We made several changes until we found a suitable business model.

As you go along, it's common that you feel down and de-motivated at times. But it's part ofrepparttar 118858 process. What is more important is do not give up and giverepparttar 118859 best shot you can. Always focus on your end results. Don't be misled by temporary setbacks.

My web site was not without problems. I did face a few problems as I went along. I had problems with my web hosting company and I also had problems with Internet software.

You must overcome these problems in order to move on.

For those who aspire to build Internet business,repparttar 118860 best way to start is to learn from someone who has been there. Try to avoid unnecessary mistakes fromrepparttar 118861 start. Do it correctly. If you make a mistake, learn from it.

But don't wait until you are 100% ready before you start. If so, you'll never start. It's not possible for you to be 100% ready. Go for it even you are 60% ready.

That's my personal experience in building Internet business. If you are ready mentally, you've won half ofrepparttar 118862 battle.

If you want more resources, I've compiled a list of excellent resources for Internet business at

Abel Cheng offers small and medium enterprises exclusive global profits insider tips in his free publication, Abel Cheng's Business Diary. To officiate a bi-weekly subscription, please go to

New Product? Give It Nine Lives

Written by Marcia Yudkin

Continued from page 1

Fifth, get to work turning your Web site forrepparttar product into a magnet for folks searching for something like what you've just released. Brainstorm generic keywords by which people would search for your item and include as many of them as possible onrepparttar 118855 home page and throughoutrepparttar 118856 site. Register your site or new product page not only with major search engines but also with specialized industry directories and submit your link at industry portals. Include customer or expert testimonials for greater credibility, and add links to media coverage when that starts coming in.

Whenever possible, linkrepparttar 118857 timing of your product release to a holiday,repparttar 118858 season, current events or a trade show to increase its newsworthiness.

Most specialized magazines feature selected new products nearrepparttar 118859 front of each issue, often with a product photo. You needn't send product samples or photos everywhere to get such coverage, as editors will call for those if intrigued byrepparttar 118860 release. The more lively and reader-friendlyrepparttar 118861 writing in your release,repparttar 118862 more likely a busy editor is to choose your item fromrepparttar 118863 candidates received.

After half a year or so has passed, your product will no longer count as "new." By upgradingrepparttar 118864 item in a relevant way, however, you can consider it a new edition and start repparttar 118865 cycle over again.

Marcia Yudkin is the author of the classic guide to comprehensive PR, "6 Steps to Free Publicity," now for sale in an updated edition at and in bookstores everywhere. She also spills the secrets on advanced tactics for today's publicity seekers in "Powerful, Painless Online Publicity," available from .

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