How-To 'Bond Like Super-Glue' With Your Subscribers!

Written by Michael Green

Continued from page 1

The answer to why this list owner was disappointed by his Ezine income was very clear...

He had failed to 'bond' with his readership. In fact, he had forgotten to apply any glue at all!

So how do you insert glue between you and your subscribers?

It's easy -- follow these 4 SUPER-GLUE STEPS:

1. GIVE THEM QUALITY CONTENT You have to make certain that there are benefits torepparttar reader in subscribing and this means bringing them fresh interesting articles and perspectives onrepparttar 108224 subject that your Ezine tackles.

2. BE CLEAR WHERE YOU ARE COMING FROM If you told new subscribers your Ezine was about how to "better work from home", then at least roughly stick to your subject matter. If you don't your Ezine will become completely defocused, confusing your reader.

3. BE CERTAIN YOUR READER KNOWS ABOUT YOU Your task is to build trust. The only way we come to trust each other is to get to know one another first. So you've got to be bringing your reader up to speed about yourself as editor. Your likes, dislikes and views are all important. Don’t hide them.

4. PROMISE AN ONGOING RELATIONSHIP The glue dries stronger, if your readers believe that you will still be around next week, month or year. You can't develop a powerful relationship with your reader if they believe that you are a fly-by-night newsletter editor.

Do all this and guess what?

The next time you happen to mentionrepparttar 108225 latest, greatest, hottest new product onrepparttar 108226 block and then proceed to give it your personal seal of approval, your readers will follow you to purchase that item - as if they were actually stuck to you.

That will be because you’ve takenrepparttar 108227 time to 'Bond like Super-Glue' With Your Subscribers before trying to sell them anything that moves.

Good luck with your Ezine,

Michael Green Ezine Guru.

© How To Corporation. All rights reserved.

------------------------------------------------------------ The author, Michael Green, is an accomplished Ezine editor and well-known newsletter guru. He has recently launched an Easy Ezine Toolkit which can provide you with a whole host of invaluable 'insider' secrets on generating income and profits from your own Ezine. Well worth getting your hands on. Pick up your copy today at ------------------------------------------------------------

Michael Green, is an accomplished Ezine guru. He recently launched an Ezine Toolkit which provides you with invaluable 'insider' secrets on generating income and profits from your own Ezine. Pick up your copy today at

Classifying Customers and Identify Profit Centers for your Business

Written by Justin Hitt, Strategic Relations Consultant,

Continued from page 1

The information gathered to this point contributes to defining your customers, including where they are located onrepparttar supply chain, what are their reasons for purchase/expectations, and where can you reduce your costs. Think aboutrepparttar 108223 different types of customers, how you reach them, and to whom they interact with in your supply chain. Additional sales opportunities arise when you look atrepparttar 108224 usage of your product andrepparttar 108225 importance of it to your customer; these areas further refine your classifications. Finally, look at ways you can reduce costs by making it easier to acquire your product, increase your value or your support abilities.

Bring all this information together by mapping your distribution channels; start by outliningrepparttar 108226 relationships between partners and customers, then define how your customer get your products, and lastly any customer interaction points inside this system. Using a simple workflow diagram bring together your supply chain and customer category information to produce a single simple drawing. This drawing describes howrepparttar 108227 customer gets your products including key players, delivery methods, and each categories preferred method of acquisition. Another useful tool will be to clarify customer interaction points, which are, any communications between your customer and your organization – it is a means to gather additional usage information, and in many cases develop new sales opportunities.

In a couple of brainstorming sessions you could easily classify customers, describe your supply chain, and create a high level view of who your customers are in respect torepparttar 108228 distribution of your product. Study this information looking for new ways to sell and service your customer. Have fun with it, talk with customers, gather accurate information, and your profits will reflect your efforts.

Copyright © 2002 Justin Hitt, All rights reserved.

Justin Hitt, a management consultant specializing in strategic relations. Helping executive build stronger relationships that increase their profits. Learn more by visiting

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