Continued from page 1
We're strongly influenced by
people, thoughts and atmosphere around us. We absorb
energy of what we allow into our space. Hang with people who have
same life focus as you. Cut short draining conversations. Give extra time to interactions that are exhilarating. Switch to more inspirational reading that activates
best aspects of your character.
Shift Your Outflow
Get rid of energy drains. Resolve any issues that you have been brooding about for a long time. Bury
hatchet with friends and relatives. Praise people rather than criticize. Detach from
need to be right-and from
habit of judging or controlling others. Catch yourself verbalizing self-defeating thoughts. Stop labeling yourself while you're at it!
Shift Your Space
Clutter: The Silent Energy Sucker! Clutter has a real physical effect on your energy levels. You don't need to clean out your garage or closet all at once. Just take 15 minutes a day to de-clutter some aspect of your space. Get rid of old, dead things you don't use anymore. Add new, fresh elements to your life. Feng-shui all areas of your earth adventure. What's on
outside is a reflection of what's on
inside. What about outdated relationships? Activities that no longer thrill you? Habits which have ceased to serve a purpose?
Shift Your Environment
Get outside. Connect with nature and open spaces. Even in a city you can find a park and some greenery. Breathe in
fresh air and stretch your legs. Lie on your back, clear your mind and follow
clouds drifting by. Listen to
grass grow. Watch flowers bloom!
Shift Your Body
Move your body as much and as often as you can all day. Active, physical movement will center, balance, ground and revitalize you. The more you participate in life,
more life-in
form of love, money and health-will flow through you. Hike, jog, skip, swim, garden, cook, sing, skydive, quilt or paint. Let your body dance you. Play music that speaks to your soul.
Shift Your Vibration
Spend part of each day in silence so that you can hear Spirit speak to you. This can be an active meditation-like yoga, tai-chi, walking, running, knitting, or petting an animal-as well as a quiet sitting mediation.
Shift Your Pace
Most of us feel like we are victims to time-when in reality we control how we use our time. Slow down. Rushing has become a way of life for most of us. Gear down your walk. Slow down your speech. Take a moment to breathe. Set
tempo so that you can enjoy doing whatever you're doing.You will see dramatic positive results.
Shift Your Age
Play on
ground like a baby. Fly a kite, roll in
grass, or build a fort like a kid. Laugh with delight for no reason like a child. Dance all night like a teenager. Sit on a mountaintop like an old sage.
Shift Your Style
Under promise and over deliver. Give yourself more time to complete a project than you feel you'll need-and deliver it early! Learn to say no when an activity isn't intuitively right for you. Focus on thriving, not just surviving. Your days will not feel as frantic. You'll feel more fulfilled and happy!
©2004, Keith Varnum. All rights in all media reserved.

Drawing from the wisdom of native and ancient spiritual traditions, Keith Varnum shares his 30 years of practical success as an author, personal coach, acupuncturist, filmmaker, radio host, restaurateur, vision quest guide and international seminar leader with "The Dream Workshops." Keith helps people get the love, money and health they want with his free Prosperity Ezine, free Empowerment Tape and free Coaching at