Hooking Up vs Lasting Love: It's Your Choice

Written by Toni Coleman

Continued from page 1

In addition to these explanations, some singles express a belief that "everyone does it" or "it's expected". Therefore, they often report engaging in it, but not feeling really ok or satisfied afterwards. Others use it as a substitute for real intimacy, referencing their difficulties in meeting and dating in general.

Then there arerepparttar people who have sex hoping it will lead to love. This too is a desire for intimacy that can lead to sadness and disappointment andrepparttar 101753 possibility of contacting a dangerous and life-altering infection. It reminds me ofrepparttar 101754 line in a song, "if I can love you good enough onrepparttar 101755 outside to make you feel it onrepparttar 101756 inside, then maybe you will stay..."

If you recognize yourself in any of these statements and want to address your issue, begin with an inventory of your values and self-awareness. Readrepparttar 101757 articles: "Defining Intimacy", "Clarifying And Living Your Values", and "How's Your Self-Awareness". You can find these on: http://www.consum-mate.com/articles.htm

If you would find feedback that deals specifically with these issues helpful, takerepparttar 101758 "What's Your Intimacy IQ" and "Are You Relationship Ready" quizzes. These can be found on: http://www.consum-mate.com/quiz.htm

Once you have determined what you really want from a relationship you can begin to make clear, thought out choices that will openrepparttar 101759 path that points inrepparttar 101760 direction you wish to go. Until you do so, you facerepparttar 101761 possibility of more disappointing and short-lived encounters that leave you feeling more alone and less hopeful aboutrepparttar 101762 possibility for lasting happy love.

Toni Coleman is a relationship coach and psychotherapist who specializes in working with singles seeking lasting love. She offers individual, couples and group coaching by phone and/or email sessions. She has authored many articles and offers a free monthly newsletter.

Paper to Pulp: Protecting Your Money!

Written by Tameka Norris

Continued from page 1

Here are several more benefits YOU get out of making paper into pulp:

(1) It will assure you that it will be impossible for a would-be-trash-searching-thief to put any ofrepparttar pieces back together. You know how easy it is to fit some pieces of paper back together when you rip them up. Pulp makes it impossible to connectrepparttar 101752 pieces together. Take a look at repparttar 101753 edges of your paper when you pull your pulp apart. You'll see what I mean.

(2) Soaking your paper in water makes some ofrepparttar 101754 print less legible. Sometimes it just makes it mildly blurry and other timesrepparttar 101755 ink actually runs. That helps give you greater protection against private information being easily legible to a thief.

(3) Your pulp will remain damp for a reasonable amount of time. Wet paper, as opposed to dry, can sometimes be easier for dirt particles and stains to cling to. You're just giving your pulp an extra advantage by welcoming dirt particles to come along and make it even a little more disgusting and illegible.

(4) Your pulp will dry in illegible clumps. Have you ever tried to break apart pulp? If you have, then you know that inrepparttar 101756 process of doing so you make matters worse. The small pieces of paper are even further ripped up and destroyed as you try to pull them apart with your fingers.

So if a would-be thief is going to try and steal your private information. Make it hard on him. And maybe if he runs into enough pulp he'll realize it takes just as much work to steal as it does to make an honest living.

Protect yourself with pulp.

(c) Copyright 2003 Tameka Norris

Tameka Norris helps others simplify life's little complications by revealing the small things that are often overlooked: http://www.simple-living-tips.com/simplify

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