Hooked On Books? Write A Book Review For Your Target Audience

Written by Bonnie Jo Davis

Continued from page 1

Fourth Paragraph: Give a brief biography ofrepparttar author including their name, name of their business (if applicable), business or personal expertise and if available, include titles of their other books.

(Sample: The author of this delightful book, Lydia Ramsey, is a business etiquette expert with over thirty years of experience working with non-profits, corporations, colleges and universities. She is a frequently published author who presents workshops, seminars and keynotes on all aspects of business etiquette.)

Fifth Paragraph: Recommendrepparttar 119841 book and offer some ideas of its practical use by individuals or groups. If applicable, mention that it would make a good gift book and wrap uprepparttar 119842 review with a positive summary ofrepparttar 119843 book.

(Sample: I recommend businesses buy this book in bulk and present one to every employee fromrepparttar 119844 frontline up torepparttar 119845 top management. In this ever-changing world of so many consumer choices,repparttar 119846 bottom line is often affected byrepparttar 119847 simple courtesies that can and should be afforded to customers. You need this book if you want your employees to succeed and your business to thrive.)

Add your copyright statement and byline torepparttar 119848 bottom ofrepparttar 119849 review and, as usual, haverepparttar 119850 review proofread by an editor before you begin submission. Your book reviews can be very effective marketing tools that will generate considerable exposure for you.

(c) 2005. Davis Virtual Assistance. All rights reserved. Permission to publish online or in print granted providedrepparttar 119851 article and byline are printed intact with live links.

Bonnie Jo Davis is an experienced writer and publications coordinator with over ten years of experience submitting articles online and in print. Visit http://www.ArticleSubmissionSites.com today to gain access to her submission list, e-book, newsletter and more!

Three Ways Flat Rate Conferencing Can Help Grow Your Business

Written by Tom Parker

Continued from page 1

With flat rate conferencing you can host your call for as long as you want with no worries of extra charges or disonnections. People are more at ease and can have added time to grasp what is being taught or talked about.

2. No reservations needed.

With regular conference calls you need to reserve your bridge in advance. With flat rate calling, there is no need. You can set up calls wihthin a minutes notice if need be.

This works well with telecommuters and for staff meetings.

3. You can set a conferencing budget.

If you can budget something every month you can use it to grow your income. With flat rate teleconferencing you are able to know every month how much you'll be spending on it and know how much you'll be earning with it.

If you're using teleconferencing to hold paid seminars or courses you can hold as many as you want each month forrepparttar same price.

People Are Learning More And Enjoying It

Teleconferencing has not only changedrepparttar 119840 way that people do business online, and added a new income avenue, but it has also helped alot of people get started with their own business, changedrepparttar 119841 way they learn, has helped coaches and counselors give more attention to their clients, and Sunday School teachers lead a lesson to shut ins and people who were on vacation.

And people are enjoyingrepparttar 119842 new option of attending a seminar or class without leaving thier home.

Flat rate conferencing is going to add a new way for people to experience this more often and give businesses, and teachers, a new tool to reach more people.

Tom Parker has put together a website to help people who want to host a teleconference or class, and has made it affordable for everyone! http://www.affordableconferencing.com is your place for reliable, affordable, reservationless teleconference lines for easy hosting. Go and check out the rates and get your conference started today! http://www.affordableconferencing.com/flat_rate_conferencing.htm

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