Home fly

Written by Mohammad Ali Abid

Continued from page 1
Therefore if we diprepparttar whole insect insiderepparttar 127701 food drink, then we create ahggenic balance. In other words we can be safe ofrepparttar 127702 disease because we have already got its medicine. The amount ofrepparttar 127703 bacteria dose inrepparttar 127704 fly is equal torepparttar 127705 amount ofrepparttar 127706 bacteria therefore it is capable of eliminating it. Now it is suientically prophet thatrepparttar 127707 fly secrets an enzyme called bacteria or germs killer which may hang on or attackrepparttar 127708 home fly. Hence it is a proof torepparttar 127709 cerrectness ofrepparttar 127710 saying ofrepparttar 127711 prophet of Islam. Dr. Amin Ridha,repparttar 127712 professor of bones surgeon in medical college in Alexandria Unwisely wrote a research aboutrepparttar 127713 He dith of Home Fly. He confirmed thatrepparttar 127714 old medical references contain medical prescribe tion to different diseases which advice to use Home fly. Inrepparttar 127715 modern timerepparttar 127716 surgeons ofrepparttar 127717 1930 who were inrepparttar 127718 period which precededrepparttar 127719 discover of sulfate have witnessedrepparttar 127720 medication of chuonic bone breaks and chuonic ulcers by Home fly This bone breaks and chuonic ulcers undulates that modern science has confirmedrepparttar 127721 correctness ofrepparttar 127722 prophets sayings which have been revealed to him by Allah before fourteen centuries Source scientific Miracles in Islam Sunna Nabaweya

proffesional busines person and islamic scholar mllat@mail2pakistan.com

Scientists Declaration about The Holy Quran and Islam-E. Marshall Johnson

Written by E. Marshall Johnson

Continued from page 1

"As a scientist, I can only deal with things which I can specifically see. I can understand embryology and developmental biology. I can understandrepparttar words that are translated to me fromrepparttar 127700 Qur'ân. As I gaverepparttar 127701 example before, if I were to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I do today and describing things, I could not describerepparttar 127702 things that were described...

I see no evidence to refuterepparttar 127703 concept that this individual Muhammad had to be developing this information from some place... so I see nothing here in conflict withrepparttar 127704 concept that divine intervention was involved in what he was able to write..."

Professor and Chairman of the Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, and Director of the Daniel Baugh Institute, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

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