Home Business and the Suburb Wide Web

Written by Darby Higgs

Continued from page 1

To see who is marketing locally withrepparttar Web do this search

Williamstown + directory

The plus sign means that bot terms will be present. Of course put inrepparttar 139960 name of your own suburb!

For many suburbs you will find some sort of directory or local portal, maybe even several.

The first and obvious thing to do is to make sure your business is in that directory. But you can do a bit more as well. Check out your competitors.

Look out for possible partners for link exchanges.

For example if you have an accommodation business you can swap links with nearby attractions or restaurants. If you have a limousine service you could link up with florists or others servingrepparttar 139961 wedding industry.

The search engines are starting to introduce technology to facilitate local searches, but people are starting to do this already. You can localise your search by using something like 'Williamstown + florists' as your search term. But soon we will all be using Google like an online Yellow Pages.

Darby Higgs is editor of OzArticles which is dedicated to increasing the use of Australian written content on the Internet. It does this by encouraging Australian writers, providing a clearinghouse of articles for republishing on the web, and by encouraging webmasters and ezine editors to use Australian articles. See http://www.ozarticles.com

Australian Content for Australian Business

Written by Darby Higgs

Continued from page 1

Forrepparttar foreseeable future search engines will be using text asrepparttar 139959 means of analysing what web pages are about. Having appropriate text based content isrepparttar 139960 most powerful on-page way that webmasters can attract visitors to a page.

The quickest way to increaserepparttar 139961 text content of a site is to use web articles, either as pages onrepparttar 139962 site, or as content for ezines. This is especially true for small and home-based businesses who wish to enhance their visibility onrepparttar 139963 web.

Fromrepparttar 139964 search engine point of view, having more keyword-rich on your site is a big plus.

But don't forget you have human readers as well. If you fill your site with irrelevant rubbish then bang goes your credibility, and any chance you have had of making a sale or otherwise engaging your reader. You need well written and informative content.

There are huge numbers of free articles onrepparttar 139965 web, but very few have an Australian voice.

The web is a huge competitive marketplace. You need every edge you can get. Using Australian-written material to market to Australian consumers could just makerepparttar 139966 difference between success and failure.

Darby Higgs is editor of OzArticles which is dedicated to increasing the use of Australian written content on the Internet. It does this by encouraging Australian writers, providing a clearinghouse of articles for republishing on the web, and by encouraging webmasters and ezine editors to use Australian articles. See http://www.ozarticles.com

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