Home Business Success – Do You Have The Right Mindset?

Written by Sudhaa V Prabhu

Continued from page 1

Don’t say, “I cannot invest any money on my business. I want to first earn from it and then I will think of investing”. With this mental outlook, it is very difficult, I repeat, it is very difficult to get a good income from your business.

Mindset #5: Think Globally Withrepparttar enormous effect ofrepparttar 116674 Internet on businesses, your limit is infinite. You have millions and billions of people aroundrepparttar 116675 world that you can reach out to. With this huge prospect base, you can only blame yourself if you are not successful.

Don’t think you can get away just by promoting your products or business among your friends and family. Don’t limit yourself to a small circle. When you do so, you may be successful to some extent, but not torepparttar 116676 extent your business can actually take you.

Mindset #6: Keep Learning and improving your knowledge World is changing and so should your business in this world. You have to keep up withrepparttar 116677 new trends and tools in order to keep your business going, againstrepparttar 116678 vast competition it has. You have to continue to learn and implement new ways in building your business. Keep your eyes and ears open.

Don’t assume that you know everything that is required to build your business. If you do that, you are applying brakes to your own wheels. Don’t think you cannot or will not go wrong. It is acceptable to make mistakes, but only forrepparttar 116679 first time. If you repeat itrepparttar 116680 next time, it means that you haven’t learned your lessons.

So, to be a successful home business entrepreneur, be interested in your business, invest time, money and efforts into your business, always imagine and conduct yourself as an entrepreneur, have a broad mental outlook, acquire more knowledge and skills and execute them in your business.

If you do not have these right mindsets, now isrepparttar 116681 time to make a change in your attitude. If that is done, you have to wait for nothing. Just go ahead and success will soon be yours!

Sudhaa V Prabhu is a home business entrepreneur and the Webmaster of http://www.work-from-home-legitimate-resources.com

How to Get Customers to Flock to Your Home-Based Business

Written by Peggie Arvidson-Dailey

Continued from page 1

9.Be consistent. In your branding, your tag lines, andrepparttar service you deliver. Your customers expectrepparttar 116673 same thing every time they work with you. Your website and voicemail are great ways to build your brand consistency. Userepparttar 116674 same colors, logos and tone in everything you do.

10.Treat your current customers like they pay for your mortgage, car and insurance. They do. Make sure they understand how much you appreciate them by consistently delivering outstanding service and takingrepparttar 116675 time to listen to their calls and concerns. In essence, treat them better than you want to be treated yourself.

11.Track what you do. Create a spreadsheet that allows you to note what activity you have done to market your business and to tabulaterepparttar 116676 results. Then make sure you cultivate repparttar 116677 areas that are working for you.

12.Ask your clients to write testimonials for you. Your current clients are your biggest fans, so ask them if they would write you a letter describingrepparttar 116678 benefit you provide them. Once you haverepparttar 116679 testimonial use it on your one-page fact sheet, in your marketing materials and on your website. Make sure to get your clients’ permission to use their name and contact information in case potential clients want to ask them specific questions.

13.Answer all requests in 24 hours or less. When a potential client calls to find out about your service, chances are better than good that they need service soon. The chances that they are going to sit byrepparttar 116680 phone waiting for your return call are slim – so make sure you arerepparttar 116681 first business to call them back. Respond even sooner to e-mail requests.

14.Call people back and respond to e-mail even if you don’t providerepparttar 116682 type of service they request. Good manners translate as good business. By providing leads to companies that can help them – these ‘non-clients’ can become your fans and will recommend you to others.

For samples ofrepparttar 116683 FAQs, Spreadsheets, testimonial requests and benefit statements, email peggie@petcareuniversity.com and request more info onrepparttar 116684 Marketing Guide for Pet-Sitters.

Peggie Arvidson-Dailey is the founder of Pet Care Business University and the Pet-Care Business Success System™. She is the author of the “Maintain your Love Affair with Your Pet” Series and several articles on finding and maintaining happy customers for pet-care businesses. As a trainer and coach she has helped people across the country create and build the pet-care business of their dreams. Visit http://www.peggiespets.comfor more information

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