Home Business Success!

Written by Bob Lasseter

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repparttar center. The very first center he approached agreed to let him providerepparttar 103867 service and he did 5 classes ($240) and was home by 1:00pm...Full time money for part-time work! Bob thought that if he could do this then it was a concept that could be accepted acrossrepparttar 103868 nation and within 3 months he had 6 others who purchasedrepparttar 103869 concept from him and he was on his way. A few short years later after having over 210 others learn his procedures he sold CompuCHILDUSA for $1,250,000!

Bob Lasseter is alsorepparttar 103870 Founder ofrepparttar 103871 HomeSERVICES Network offering Discounted Products and Services to HomeOwners. Distributors Needed. profilzusa@aol.com 1-866-912-5437 www.homeservicesusa.biz

Bob Lasseter is the Founder of CompuCHILDUSA, the Nations Leading Provider of Preschool Computer Education.

Book Review: The NEW Game Of Business

Written by Bonnie Jo Davis

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Practice New Economics... Good Deals are Good Business!, Seek a New Mission... Put People Ahead of Products and Profits!, Send a New Message... What Business Are YOU In?, Chant a New Mantra... "Serve, Deliver, Serve Some More!", Find New Solutions... Don't Fall in Love with Products or Services!, Acquire New Skills... Masterrepparttar Tools ofrepparttar 103866 Game!, Build A New Model... Integrate or Disintegrate! and Generate New Money... Profit is EVERYBODY'S Business! The material covers everything a reader needs to know about generating a profit while gaining lifelong customers and keeping loyal and happy employees. Apply these proven principles used by companies such as Nordstrom and Starbucks and you will find your business growing exponentially while you achieve your dreams!

Mitchell Axelrod is a consultant, professional speaker, talk show radio host and frequently published author onrepparttar 103867 topics of marketing, sales, entrepreneurship, life skills and playingrepparttar 103868 new game. For over twenty-five years Mitch has been consulting with Fortune 500 companies, banks, insurance companies, small businesses and individuals on how to boost income, increase sales and profits while deriving more fun, fulfillment and satisfaction from work. You can purchase The NEW Game Of Business at http://www.TheNewGame.com

(c) 2004, Davis Virtual Assistance. All rights in all media reserved. Permission to reprint granted to all venues so long asrepparttar 103869 venue is opt-in only.

Bonnie Jo Davis is a Virtual Assistant, author of the e-book Articles That Sell and webmaster of the Articles That Sell Center. To sign-up for her free monthly e-zine visit http://www.ArticlesThatSell.com/newsletter.htm

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