Home Alone! Safety Tips for Kids

Written by Kristine Llabres

Continued from page 1

Familial relationship matters a lot so, stress early on that parents should not be called to settle minor sibling disputes and misunderstandings. This could be done through meetings or during after dinner.

Practice emergency procedures especially calling to 911. Never assumed that kids know what to say incase of emergency so once in a while rehearse some lines that he should say wheneverrepparttar situation calls and discuss it well. Try to avoid giving too much responsibility on your child and listen carefully when he wants to share his concerns. Be sure to discuss each day’s schedule including all transportation plans so that parent’s won’t worry ifrepparttar 138887 “safe home” message is not received when expected. Another thing, If you have a change of plans, or if you are not going to return home when you said you would, call and reassure your children. They tend to worry when things don’t go according to plan, and a lack of information can cause them to panic. Consider that no matter how mature your child acts, he or she is still a child. Children invariably make mistakes; they don’t always react in a situation as you wish they would. And, even if they start off well without adult supervision, they can get “spooked” and develop real fears about being all alone at home. Encourage, support and reinforce your kids well and treat their mistakes as a learning tool towards achievingrepparttar 138888 upright one. Proper care and guidance makes it all for young ones to be confident and self-reliant.

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What we need to know about blood pressure?

Written by Jinky C. Mesias

Continued from page 1
as well as when you are doing active activities. Moreover, for most of your usual activities your blood pressure remains pretty muchrepparttar same whether you are sitting or standing still. A blood pressure reading of 140/90 or 140 over 90 or even higher signifies that you have a high blood pressure. The thing that happens when you have a high blood pressure is that your heart tend to work extra harder thus causing your arteries to take an extra beating which may result to a stroke, heart attack as well as kidney problems. In addition, if either one ofrepparttar 138886 systolic orrepparttar 138887 diastolic number is higher it signifies a high blood pressure. Aside from that, people who have been treated for high blood pressure will still have high blood pressure even if they have already repeated readings of normal blood pressure range.

When there is not a single specific cause of high blood pressure known, such kind of high blood pressure is termed as essential or primary high blood pressure. However, in some people high blood pressure may berepparttar 138888 result of some medical problem or may berepparttar 138889 cause of taking some medications. Whenrepparttar 138890 cause of high blood pressure is known this is termed as secondary high blood pressure.

Jinky C. Mesias is a lover of simple things and of nature. She spend most of her time reading and writing poetry.

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