Holiday Health: Give Get-Fit Gifts

Written by Louise Roach

Continued from page 1

“Maybe someone you know needs motivation to get up and get going. Why not give a ‘home gym in a bag’? A few suggestions to include are: free weights, a jump rope, resistance bands, workout videos, a yoga mat, a BMI scale, a heart rate monitor, sport drinks, and protein bars. Of course every home gym needs first aid inrepparttar form of an ice therapy product to take care of strained muscles. Then wrap it all up in a bright tote bag for giving.

“Several other themes for Get-Fit Gifts could be biking, hiking and backpacking. A visit to your local athletic store can offer many ideas such as a day pack, water carrying system, socks, hats, compass (or GPS system), utility tool, first aid kit, a spa product and destination books.”

With a little creativity, you can put together healthy, useful gifts that will be well appreciated throughoutrepparttar 112975 New Year.

Louise Roach has been instrumental in the development of SnowPack, a patented cold therapy that exhibits the same qualities as ice. SnowPack offers two Body-n-Ice Kits that make perfect Get-Fit Gifts by themselves. They’re a great idea for soccer families and active Baby Boomers, plus everyone in between. For more information visit:

Help! My Kids are Overweight!

Written by Diana Keuilian

Continued from page 1

Energy Out

The Problem: Computers, video games, and satellite T.V. are our children’s latest and greatest toys. Who has time to play outside when you are about to beatrepparttar hardest level, or your favorite show is about to start? Our kids participate in less physical activity and are more sedentary than any generation before.

The Solution: Limitrepparttar 112974 time your children spend on sedentary activities, such as T.V and video games. Sign your kids up on a local sports team so that they can run and be active with other kids. Takerepparttar 112975 whole family torepparttar 112976 park on a weekend instead of gathering in front ofrepparttar 112977 T.V.

As a parent, it is your unique responsibility to teach your childrenrepparttar 112978 healthy habits that lead to good health. Children who are obese have a greater chance of remaining obese into adulthood, thus greatly increasingrepparttar 112979 likelihood of serious health problems. Talk to your children about their eating habits, and activity levels, informing them of good choices versus bad choices. Make it a family effort to start eating healthier and increase physical activities, and you will be pleasantly surprised withrepparttar 112980 results!

Diana Keuilian, author, ACE certified Personal Trainer, and co-founder of offers online personal training and nutrition programs that fit your budget and schedule. Whether your goal is to lose weight, firm and tone, or to build muscle, will build a custom designed program just for you. Visit: and begin meeting your fitness goals today!

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