History of Scottish Tartans

Written by Jeri Ballast

Continued from page 1

Whenrepparttar wearing ofrepparttar 109176 tartan was again permitted, there developed a keen interest in reestablishing or reinventing family tartans, beginning withrepparttar 109177 Highlanders and later spreading to all of Scotland.

King George IV and Queen Victoria both fell in love withrepparttar 109178 Highlander image as popularized by Sir Walter Scott, and greatly encouragedrepparttar 109179 adoption of this cultural symbol. Today, there are around 2800 tartans listed inrepparttar 109180 Scottish Heritage World Register - including ones for football clubs, individual towns, clans, and military regiments.

Sometimes, when we discover that Scottish tartans are not ancient, it "takesrepparttar 109181 shine off" our interest. In this case, it really shouldn't. The wearing ofrepparttar 109182 tartan and linkingrepparttar 109183 patterns (called setts) to particular families has done so much to unite Scottish culture world-wide and to reestablish our connections with our ancestors and with our fellow "Scots ofrepparttar 109184 diaspora."

It is good to care aboutrepparttar 109185 past and to connect with our cultural roots and traditions. And there is no doubt at all thatrepparttar 109186 Highlanders invented these wonderful plaids. Find your tartan and wear it with pride!

April 6 is National Tartan Day inrepparttar 109187 United States - a perfect opportunity to show off your Scottish heritage.

Jeri Ballast is a work-at-home mom, using her degree is history to create the Heart o' Scotland website in honor of her Scottish ancestors.

Ten Hottest Careers

Written by Alexandria Haber

Continued from page 1

Computer savvy?

Considering that five ofrepparttar ten hottest careers are computer related, if you have a knack for logging on and are interested in increasing and expanding your computer skills, a career in computers may very well berepparttar 109175 right choice for you.

Take some time to analyzerepparttar 109176 ten hottest careers profiled on this page and consider all ofrepparttar 109177 choices carefully. Knowing that there is a high and growing demand for qualified people in each of these occupations may help you decide to pursue one of these jobs.

Alexandria Haber writes both fiction and non-fiction for a variety of people and places. As a result, she has had the benefit of gaining a little bit of knowledge about a lot of different subjects. While researching this article on the hottest careers, she gained a new respect for the education industry. For more information on distance education you can visit: Online College Degrees Information

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