His Hand is Moved by Faith

Written by Daniel N. Brown

Continued from page 1

These are some serious things to consider. It’s easy to just say whatever you think God wants to hear, but He is not fooled by words. He knowsrepparttar heart.

If you come to God, you must believe that He is God Almighty! And He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Have faith in Him! Psalm 62:5 says, “My expectation is inrepparttar 126447 Lord.”

We must be likerepparttar 126448 woman who begged Jesus to deliver her daughter in Matthew 15. She said, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David” (She knew who He was and she was diligently seeking Him!) Jesus said to her, “Great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire” (Matthew 15:28).

The past does not have to equalrepparttar 126449 future. No matter how many disappointments you may have faced, He is still God and He loves you. He wants to perform miracles in your life but you must trust Him. His hand is moved by faith.

Daniel N. Brown is the publisher of the "Living the Abundant and Prosperous Christian Life" Newsletter. A free weekly publication that teaches how to live the abundant and prosperous Christian life. Receieve a free copy of Dan's 14 page report entitled, "5 Biblical Keys to Outrageous Prosperity," when you sign up.

How to Study the Bible, 5 Keys to Learning

Written by Paul Griffitts

Continued from page 1

Fourth we must adhere to whomrepparttar scripture is written. This isrepparttar 126446 subject matter ofrepparttar 126447 Bible. We have said that Jesus Christ isrepparttar 126448 subject ofrepparttar 126449 Bible butrepparttar 126450 subject matter ofrepparttar 126451 Bible isrepparttar 126452 people to whomrepparttar 126453 scripture is written. For example, there arerepparttar 126454 Jew,repparttar 126455 Gentile andrepparttar 126456 Church of God.

Fifth we must know what God is saying in reference torepparttar 126457 subject, subject matter andrepparttar 126458 times thatrepparttar 126459 scripture is referring to. These are sometimes called dispensations inrepparttar 126460 Bible. The Greek word for Dispensation is oikonomia and refers torepparttar 126461 act of administering byrepparttar 126462 Figure Metonymy,repparttar 126463 act of administering is transferred torepparttar 126464 time during which that administering is carried on.

The present dispensation called Grace; is not in Law, Judgment, or Glory. It belongs torepparttar 126465 time which is called "the Administration ofrepparttar 126466 Mystery" that Secret (asrepparttar 126467 word Mystery means inrepparttar 126468 Greek) "which in other ages was not made known torepparttar 126469 sons of men" (Eph 3:5). It was "hid in God fromrepparttar 126470 beginning ofrepparttar 126471 world" (Eph 3:9). It "was kept secret sincerepparttar 126472 world began" (Rom 16:25). But Paul was maderepparttar 126473 special administrator of allrepparttar 126474 truth connected with it. It was committed to him by God: andrepparttar 126475 Word of God could not be "fully preached" without it (Col 1:25, margin). The Word of truth can be preached today, but it cannot be "fully preached" withoutrepparttar 126476 truth connected with this Mystery.

We have seen five principles which are required for Biblical study to "rightly divide"repparttar 126477 Word of God. One,repparttar 126478 requirement, we must rightly dividerepparttar 126479 Word. Two, we must knowrepparttar 126480 object ofrepparttar 126481 Word; to reveal God and His will to us who believe. Three, we must know whatrepparttar 126482 subject ofrepparttar 126483 Bible is; Jesus Christ. Four, we must adhere torepparttar 126484 subject matter ofrepparttar 126485 Bible; to whom it is written. Five, we must know what is written in reference to one through four which is time. When wererepparttar 126486 scriptures written and what times arerepparttar 126487 scriptures referring to?

When we apply these five basic steps to studyingrepparttar 126488 Bible,repparttar 126489 eyes of our understanding will be enlightened that we may know whatrepparttar 126490 riches ofrepparttar 126491 glory of his inheritance inrepparttar 126492 saints is to us.

Paul Griffitts a Bibical Researcher for over 30 years Currently Paul is the Editor of The Good News Letter for Believer.com

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