Hiring Sales Representatives That Are A Perfect Fit

Written by Kathi Graham-Leviss

Continued from page 1

·impulsiveness ·unrealistic in appraising people ·lack of attention to detail ·disorganized

This means that your many of your sales reps will need some sort of assistance with follow-through and organization. As team-oriented people, they almost expect that there will be someone else to take overrepparttar tasks they are not well prepared to handle.

Their behavior lends itself to new adventures, taking risks, people and freedom. Those high in Influence and Dominance will not do well with excessive rules or regulations, or in companies who tend to limit their mobility.

When interviewing to fill a sales representative position, look for those people who show a genuine love of people, who are able to build a relationship with clients, who are team oriented, who can take charge and solve client problems, and who are positive but authoritative.

These arerepparttar 106680 core behavioral aspects that will helprepparttar 106681 new hire relate to people well, become a trusted liaison between your company andrepparttar 106682 client, develop new solutions to assist customers and achieverepparttar 106683 sales results you’re looking for.

Kathi Graham-Leviss is Certified Coach and Behavioral Analyst who assists companies with defining and developing their Human Resource practices. Visit her Web site today for additional information on the 4-Step Hiring Process and DISC Behavioral Assessments. http://www.xbcoaching.com

Hiring Department Managers That Are A Perfect Fit

Written by Kathi Graham-Leviss

Continued from page 1

The “core” or primary style for a department manager would be Dominance (which consists ofrepparttar first three traits above). However, in order to achieve a good balance, this manager will also need to possess certain traits of Influence and Stability (the second and third group of behaviors).

The effective balance of these three styles will result in a person who takes charge and lets others know whererepparttar 106679 chain of command lies. S/he will be capable of drivingrepparttar 106680 team towardrepparttar 106681 desired results and of solving daily problems which inevitably occur.

However, your department manager, being a people-oriented person, will also be persuasive, capable of communicatingrepparttar 106682 “big vision” to his/her team and encouraging them to strive to reachrepparttar 106683 company goals.

Finally, due torepparttar 106684 attributes found inrepparttar 106685 Steadiness style, this manager will be fully equipped to organize and prepare records, reports, meetings and other necessary tasks that require a good deal of organization. S/he will be dependable and will easily adapt torepparttar 106686 ever-present changes that befall a department manager.

By matchingrepparttar 106687 characteristics that come naturally to an applicant withrepparttar 106688 requirements ofrepparttar 106689 available position, you are well on your way to creating a perfect fit! Your company and your new department manager will both experience high levels of job satisfaction.

Kathi Graham-Leviss is Certified Coach and Behavioral Analyst who assists companies with defining and developing their Human Resource practices. Visit her Web site today for additional information on the 4-Step Hiring Process and DISC Behavioral Assessments. http://www.xbcoaching.com

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