Higher Vibration is not Necessarily better or more Loving !

Written by Tobias Lars

Continued from page 1
5th Chakra - Blue isrepparttar color of our throat chakra andrepparttar 122157 one currently controllingrepparttar 122158 earth. These arerepparttar 122159 police forces "The (thin) Blue Line" protecting us from those horrible "lower" chakras. Blue isrepparttar 122160 voice telling others what to do, how to live, and shaming us with words if we don't do what blue "knows best". This has becomerepparttar 122161 dominator color on earth. Controlling people with words. Blue likes to mix itself with White which they think represents God, but remember White is alsorepparttar 122162 color of blinding flashing rage, Lucifer. Lucifers name meansrepparttar 122163 brightest whitest light inrepparttar 122164 Universe. There needs to berepparttar 122165 feeling of Love inrepparttar 122166 white light or else it becomes domination of others. 6th Chakra - Indigo isrepparttar 122167 color ofrepparttar 122168 spiritual seer. The visionary,repparttar 122169 third eye inrepparttar 122170 center of our foreheads. Indigo has been caught in betweenrepparttar 122171 Purple and Blue chakras, between Spirit and Dominator. Indigo has had a hard time because neither Blue nor Purple has wanted to hear from each other or cooperate and Indigo has beenrepparttar 122172 go-between that has often been rejected by both sides. Indigo can see where we are heading and tries to warn those in control (blue and purple) but blue and purple have mostly been interested in keeping their control no matter what they need to to, who or how many have to be killed, even ifrepparttar 122173 Earth itself needs to be blown up and sacrificed. Indigo has had a very hard time on earth trying to share what it sees. 7th Chakra - Purple/Violet isrepparttar 122174 color of this "crown" chakra. Kings, royalty have used this color to legitimize their "crowns", their ruling others, their hearing directly from God above and dispersingrepparttar 122175 white light down intorepparttar 122176 body. Butrepparttar 122177 side of purple that hasn't let itself be seen very much isrepparttar 122178 control,repparttar 122179 feeling "above it all", ruling with an iron handrepparttar 122180 "lower" castes of people. Purple sometimes has a perspective of "the masses are asses" and need to be controlled. Purple hasn't wanted to incarnate fully, has wanted to remain above it all. Sexually this has often manifested in wanting to watchrepparttar 122181 "lower" ones have sex, instead of having it themselves. ---------------------------------- Many spirits on earth are of one dominant color, we are blue spirits, red spirits, yellow, green spirits etc. This isrepparttar 122182 color that we originally were birthed out of by God/Goddess, Father/Mother or created inrepparttar 122183 electromagnetic spectrum of visible energy for Earth if you prefer a more scientific, non-theistic approach. So inrepparttar 122184 current creation on earth, Purple and Blue spirits have ruled while fighting each other for power with Indigo spirits trying to share a vision of a better way but getting used by both sides for information while rejected and killed as well. Green spirits have tried to inject Love and pleaded for balance betweenrepparttar 122185 first three chakras withrepparttar 122186 last three. But Heart- Love has been mostly rejected unless it is willing to fit intorepparttar 122187 boxes that purple and blue tell it is it's right place. Jesus, as Heart, acted out how Heart has been sacrificed in favor of control and domination on earth. Yellow tries to warn us that something feels off, is wrong, but is told to shut up and is mostly avoided and shamed. Orange is used as a slave to get pleasure from but is considered "base" and not accepted openly intorepparttar 122188 halls of power, and Red is labelled unstable, too passionate, given to fits of temper, uncouth, backward and needing to be strongly controlled and also enslaved to dorepparttar 122189 undesireable grunt work of society like garbage collecting, eliminating, digging ditches, building etc., but given no respect or acceptance. So instead of a Rainbow balanced in Love withrepparttar 122190 colours melding, sharing, operating like a chorus, like a symphony to give colour, flavor, fun and millions of possible combinations to explore inrepparttar 122191 creation, it has turned into a hell of fear, control, domination and war with blue and purple spirits hiding behind money and gated communities inrepparttar 122192 USA and Europe, using their police forces, technological weapons and armies to maintain control and "order", while green and yellow spirits plead and implore for more love and justice, and orange and red spirits are practically enslaved in low paying jobs, quarantined in jails, or fighting amongst themselves for whatever scraps of energy they can get. So most ofrepparttar 122193 different colored spirits end up living short fearful, stressed lives on earth while hoping and telling each other that "heaven" is where there will finally be justice, peace, love, everlasting life, etc. The truth is unlessrepparttar 122194 balance is found on earth there is no real balance inrepparttar 122195 other dimensions either. "What you bind on earth you bind in heaven, what you loose on earth you loose in heaven." Why else would we continually come back and reincarnate by our free will choice? It is because when we go torepparttar 122196 "other side" after death we see that we need to reincarnate to become free, to free up our energies, our crashed chakra systems. It is our choice to come back here. Usually when we return to earth we wonder what we are doing here, because we forget our intentions. And so it has gone forrepparttar 122197 last 5 million years with civilizations rising and falling with spirits trying to dominate one another. This message is from an Indigo spirit seeing and wanting to sharerepparttar 122198 vision in hope of assisting in others awakening. Radical Truthtelling isrepparttar 122199 first step. Nothing can stop you from your personal Awakening, all you have to do is to say Yes! ---------------------

Tobias Lars B.S., MBA, Mensa is a Spiritual Healer and Business Consultant with over 25 years experience in physical and spiritual healing. In his varied career he has also been the founder of two international trading companies, owner of a video production company and a Yoga teacher. He currently works as a spiritual counselor focusing on Soul Activations and Soul Counseling. He can be reached at 1.800.397.6219 or www.SoulCounseling.com

Revenge Dreams

Written by Joi Sigers

Continued from page 1

Back torepparttar office! Okay, after your dream of turning Miss Promotion into a troll ofrepparttar 122156 drooling variety, you decided to say something to your boss. He looked intorepparttar 122157 matter and discovered that she had been credited with something YOU had done. He decides to rightrepparttar 122158 wrong. (Guess who'll be starring as a troll in someone elses dream now.)

You feel guilty about all of this, although an argument can be made whether you should or not. This guilt will manifest itself in a dream where you are onrepparttar 122159 receiving end of a stick, even ifrepparttar 122160 lady atrepparttar 122161 office is holding it onrepparttar 122162 other end or not.

The guilt doesn't have to make sense, and it doesn't even have to be legitimate. It could be that you've said something that offended someone and you know that they were overly sensitive, and that you did nothing wrong. However, they think you have and fully believe you should feel guilty. Oddly enough, their feelings could show up in your dream.

Don't let revenge dreams alarm you, you aren't evil or twisted. If you were, you wouldn't be looking into it, would you - you'd be rubbing your hands together maniacally plotting someone's ruin.

This article is one of many featured at http://www.dreamprophesy.com, a website dedicated to the world of dreams and the study of dream interpretation. Feel free to e-mail the author at joi@dreamprophesy.com

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