High Quality Text Links!

Written by James Winston

Continued from page 1

*All you need to do henceforth is to regularly add relevant content to your site.

*Getting your first page indexed isrepparttar hardest part.

*Put some good articles, tips, hints and ideas on your site pertaining to your business and your ranking will improve steadily.

*You must invest some effort into making your site have some informative value and not just a sales pitch.

Search engines explicitly look for sites with lots of relevant information to give to their readers thereby giving these sites higher rankings.

James Winston publishes home business tips, a fresh and informative newsletter dedicated to supporting people like YOU! If you’re looking for the *Best Rated* home business opportunities, the latest time saving tools and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, come by and grab a F-R-E-E subscription today at: http://www.hothomework.com

Use Internet Marketing to Bring Customers to Your Local Business

Written by Raynay Valles

Continued from page 1

These ways are important because you can match your marketing message torepparttar people you are looking for. A great example of this was on last season's Apprentice TV show. The contest was to sellrepparttar 119834 most discount wedding gowns in one day.

One team handed out flyers onrepparttar 119835 streets of New York. They drew a measley number of customers. The other team bought an email ad from theknot.com wedding website and had customers lined up downrepparttar 119836 block. And they sold 5 timesrepparttar 119837 amount ofrepparttar 119838 first team. You can use this technique to draw customers too, either to your website or directly to your business.

3. Set your website visitors hair on fire.

You may have heard this before. It means, give them a reason to ACT NOW. When a website visitor says to him or herself "I'll think about it," and clicks away, you know THEY ARE GONE. They are busy in their own lives, thinking about everything else but your business and your offer.

How do you get them to act now?

Make a limited time offer. It can be a discount, but it doesn't have to be. For example, you can add an online coupon that visitors can print and bring in for a free gift with purchase. If you're inrepparttar 119839 knowledge business, offer a free support information, such as a "Checklist for Your Home Addition Project", but only if they act now.

Revamp your salesman in cyberspace to attract potential customers, makerepparttar 119840 case that you are what they want and show them why it's in their best interest to get up and go get it NOW.

Raynay Valles is a Marketing Specialist who builds sales for established businesses, online and offline. For more infon, visit http://www.raynayvalles.com or email her at rvalles@raynayvalles.com

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