Hi Cal So CA Heli Adventure

Written by Josh Edelson

Continued from page 1

So we get in. The pilot is a pleasant man byrepparttar name of Ruben, and this is his side job. Dad is still freaked, and now Mom is too. The blades start spinning, vibrating faster and faster asrepparttar 133737 air bendsrepparttar 133738 hairs on my arm towardrepparttar 133739 open plastic window. Ruben pulls back onrepparttar 133740 lever, and before I can blink, we're up 10 feet, 100 feet 1000 feet!

There was so little inrepparttar 133741 way of g-force, that I in fact questioned whether or not I was on a helicopter ride, or indeed in one of those simulators complete with fans and movie screens. The change in temperature and wind pressure assured me that I was actually inrepparttar 133742 air, flying withrepparttar 133743 birds, sitting shot gun to my overanxious parents.

They did finally calm down though, once they realized that it was too late to go back. We were up there now, completely atrepparttar 133744 mercy of a pilot dressed in beachwear, followingrepparttar 133745 veins ofrepparttar 133746 Earth torepparttar 133747 sea. We took a shortcut over everything (the quickest way from point A to point B is a straight line).

The tour starts over La Jolla — beautiful, rich, La Jolla!

Southward we took a stroll by Black's Beach — infamously known asrepparttar 133748 "nude" beach of San Diego. Below,repparttar 133749 ant-sized smattering of skin colored creatures walked free, naked, and well. Naked (and to answer that question that you may or may not have formed yet in your head, at 1000 feet, you can't make out much other thanrepparttar 133750 patterns onrepparttar 133751 sand belowrepparttar 133752 rocks). We flew next torepparttar 133753 cliffs, gouged and roughly cutrepparttar 133754 way a giant piece of fudge looks after taking a bite.

Onward to Pacific Beach, where sprinkles of color litteredrepparttar 133755 shores. We laughed together at allrepparttar 133756 losers grid-locked in traffic as we flew over it all. We flew pastrepparttar 133757 famous Mission Beach Coaster, where people once rode for almost a week straight to try and win a car.

Read this entire feature FREE with photos at: http://www.jetsettersmagazine.com/archive/jetezine/sports02/adventure/helicopters/sandiego/lajolla/helitour.html

By Josh Edelson, California Jetsetters Magazine Correspondent at www.jetsettersmagazine.com

Josh Edelson, Jetsetters Magazine Correspondent. Join the Travel Writer Network in the logo at www.jetsettersmagazine.com

Hello . . . This is Africa Calling! Find Yourself in Tropical Paradise

Written by Bobbi Buchanan

Continued from page 1

“What are you doing there?” I asked, visions of a breakdown, or more unusual, a flood passing through my head. “Just making chai (tea) and having a rest,” wasrepparttar reply. They may have been traveling in greater comfort and with far more gadgets than we ever did but some things stayrepparttar 133736 same. Sitting under a thorn tree with heat waves shimmeringrepparttar 133737 air,repparttar 133738 smell of dust mixed with old goat droppings andrepparttar 133739 sweetly pungent tea simmering overrepparttar 133740 fire, is a common experience for people in Africa. But most ofrepparttar 133741 wayfarers don’t have a satellite phone to chat on while they rest.

I couldn’t help wondering whatrepparttar 133742 locals might feel if they came upon this sight. Some of them have rarely seen white people much less technology.There are those who call them primitive. I prefer to see them as people who have learned to live offrepparttar 133743 land without need of allrepparttar 133744 trappings of so-called civilizations. Could we make our homes out of thorn trees, our fires out of twigs or dung and feed our families on less food than my pets have to eat?

I asked my daughter how things were. “Fine” she said,repparttar 133745 stock answer of teenagers everywhere. I got offrepparttar 133746 phone as quickly as possible knowingrepparttar 133747 fortune being spent just to tell me she was fine. I would get my news when she returned.

Their final destination was an outpost onrepparttar 133748 shores of Lake Turkana several hours further on. This lake was “discovered” by a German Count in 1888. Most people would expectrepparttar 133749 lakeshore of a large freshwater lake to be lush with foliage and cool fromrepparttar 133750 breezes that blow over its waters. Not so this lake. It is surrounded by viciously sharp, black volcanic rock, vomited fromrepparttar 133751 throat of a distant volcano eons ago. The sparse vegetation is mostly thorny acacia trees blown sideways byrepparttar 133752 fierce gusts of winds that blow whenrepparttar 133753 sun goes down. Dry desert surrounds Lake Turkana, hostile to man and beast. Hot blasts of heat mock dry riverbeds while sucking moisture fromrepparttar 133754 air. Daytime temperatures of 120 degrees are common. It is amazing that any life survives. Just when you are certainrepparttar 133755 world has ended leaving you alone on a dead planet, a herd of goats will meander over a rise followed by a silent black figure.

Aboutrepparttar 133756 time you think you must go mad fromrepparttar 133757 vicious heat, swirling dust and back jarring bumps, your vehicle crests a slight rise and you lose your breath. Before you is an immense lake, shimmering like a mirage. Viewed from a distancerepparttar 133758 lake this day is gray/blue, mysterious. Other days it is a deep green, colored by algae blooms that prompted early travelers to name itrepparttar 133759 Jade Sea . The road, a mere track, approachesrepparttar 133760 lake throughrepparttar 133761 lava fields then turns northward. The traveler wonders where this road leads, if anywhere. There is no visible end, just mile upon mile of dusty dirt track.

The Place of Trees.

Eventually,repparttar 133762 road winds intorepparttar 133763 desert outpost of Loyangalani —repparttar 133764 place ofrepparttar 133765 trees.

Read this entire feature FREE with photos at: http://www.jetsettersmagazine.com/archive/jetezine/globe02/africa02/kenya/turkana/hello.html

By Bobbi Buchanan, Arkansas, Correspondent, Jetsetters Magazine at www.jetsettersmagazine.com

Bobbi Buchanan, Jetsetters Magazine Correspondent. Join the Travel Writers Network in the logo at www.jetsettersmagazine.com

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