Hey! You Talkin' To Me?

Written by Livvie Matthews

Continued from page 1

This is where you being to "target" (zero in on) your customer and isrepparttar beginning of your "niche" (small, specialized) market.

Ask and identify questions like: What do my customers want? What do they want to know? What are their likes and dislikes? When they need help where do they go? What is it they need help with?

What information do I have relevant to what their needs are? What problems can I solve? How can I make their life easier?

In short, how will this product make a difference in their life. What benefit will they reap? Make a list of allrepparttar 121195 possible benefits your buyer will receive when buying your product, then make it easy to use and implement.

What problem will it solve? People love solutions. Let your customers know you can solve their problems, you solve them fast and you can solve them....now.

Second, answer your questions by being as specific as possible. The more specific your answersrepparttar 121196 more "targeted" your customer.

As you define your market, you define your target. As you specialize within your target, you define your niche!

Once defining your market, research lists, ezines, discussion groups, web sites and businesses (online and offline) targetingrepparttar 121197 same market you are interested in selling to. These arerepparttar 121198 businesses you want to advertise with and join.

Buyers will find it difficult to say no when you have given them an exceptional reason (target) to say....yes! Because, after all, your marketing says... Hey!...I'm Talkin' (directly) To You!

Livvie Matthews helps individuals and businesses turn their knowledge into great-selling tips booklets. and to promote their business. Her products and services include a how to e-book for creating booklets. Send mailto:bizybodies@earthlink.net Subscribe mailto:bizybodies2-subscribe@yahoogroups.com visit http://www.bizybodies.com for more info

Case In Point: Get A Full-Page Magazine Ad Free

Written by Karon Thackston

Continued from page 1

ROOSEVELT: Quite right!

KARON: Now you are using this method and approaching other publications, aren’t you? How do you get your offer torepparttar right people?

ROOSEVELT: Yes, I do approach others withrepparttar 121194 offer and it works well. I generally contactrepparttar 121195 magazine or newspaper’s Promotions Manager with a free offer. (Normally, they simply loverepparttar 121196 word free so it gets their attention.) I suggest thatrepparttar 121197 publication could haverepparttar 121198 first quarter ofrepparttar 121199 ad to talk aboutrepparttar 121200 free offer. The rest ofrepparttar 121201 copy and space will be taken up with my images and up sell copy. To expediterepparttar 121202 process and make sure thatrepparttar 121203 offer and information will sell well, I providerepparttar 121204 publication with my own copy and images. (Obviously,repparttar 121205 copy isrepparttar 121206 critical element.) I also insist on seeing a proof before publication.

I suggest they include a “splash” onrepparttar 121207 cover announcingrepparttar 121208 free reader offer, and include it inrepparttar 121209 table of contents along withrepparttar 121210 page number. Keep in mind thatrepparttar 121211 offer should appear to be an editorial, not an advertisement.

KARON: Sounds wonderful! Can you give us some data onrepparttar 121212 results you’ve achieved?

ROOSEVELT: Certainly. On a fairly recent offer I included in New Woman [British magazine with a circulation between 370,000-400,000] I used a free report from my Astrology First site at http://www.astrology-first.com. The free profile was valued at £5.95 (approx. $9.50US). The free offers returned totaled around 9,500, andrepparttar 121213 up sells totaled about 5,200. You can view a sample offer (which Karon wroterepparttar 121214 copy for, byrepparttar 121215 way) by clicking this link: http://www.ktamarketing.com/images/NewWomanPDF.pdf

KARON: How fantastic! That is over a 50% return. How wonderful for you! (And thank you forrepparttar 121216 mention .)

ROOSEVELT: Yes, quite! And this return is typical. Most offers – whether for Naturally First products or Astrology First products – pull equally well.

KARON: So withrepparttar 121217 investment of some time to prepare an offer and contact newspapers or magazines, and a little creative work to develop strong copy that presents your offer well, you can receive a free, full-page advertisement in major publications.

Very innovative, Roosevelt! I thank you so much for sharing this technique with us.

ROOSEVELT: You are most welcome, Karon. Allrepparttar 121218 best! Goodbye from rainy London : )

Most buying decisions are emotional. Your ad copy should be, too! Let Karon write targeted copy and ezine articles for you. Visit her site at http://www.ktamarketing.com, or learn to write your own copy at http://www.copywritingcourse.com. Don’t forget to subscribe to Karon’s free ezine! join-businessessentials@lyris1.listenvoy.com

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