Here's The REAL Reason Bush Won: The Dark Night Of The Leadership Soul

Written by Brent Filson

Continued from page 1

That heartfelt speech to winrepparttar hearts of key segments of voters was what George Bush was lacking inrepparttar 107984 campaign, especially throughoutrepparttar 107985 debates in which he was beaten badly by John Kerry.

After those debates, George Bush facedrepparttar 107986 dark night of his leadership soul. It happens to many leaders when they realize that in order to succeed they have to abandon what worked before for them and jump off a cliff and make their wings onrepparttar 107987 way down.

FDR faced it when he got polio and responded by seeking to continue in political life with wisdom and persistence and compassion. Winston Churchill faced it at Dunkirk. Harry Truman faced it in 1948 when it looked as if he would be defeated by Tom Dewey, and he made his now famous whistle stop campaigning that enabled him to come from behind and win. Ronald Reagan faced it when he decided that he would run for president at 68 years old.

George Bush faced it afterrepparttar 107988 debates. He could have remained inrepparttar 107989 presidential bubble and given his canned speeches in front of canned audiences. But instead, he decided to go out there and be himself and lay it all onrepparttar 107990 line. Duringrepparttar 107991 last weeks ofrepparttar 107992 campaign, he pretty much dispensed withrepparttar 107993 canned and just stood up there and spoke fromrepparttar 107994 heart to voters inrepparttar 107995 battleground states. Forrepparttar 107996 first time inrepparttar 107997 campaign, he was out ofrepparttar 107998 bubble giving leadership talks. And it made allrepparttar 107999 difference inrepparttar 108000 world.

Leaders take note. When you facerepparttar 108001 dark night of your leadership soul and must take new action to get new results, break out of whatever bubble you might be in and start giving leadership talks.

The author of 23 books, Brent Filson's recent books are, THE LEADERSHIP TALK: THE GREATEST LEADERSHIP TOOL and 101 WAYS TO GIVE GREAT LEADERSHIP TALKS. Sign up for his free leadership ezine and get a free guide, "49 Ways To Turn Action Into Results," at

Creating Your Presentation Success With a Positive "I Can" Attitude

Written by Debbie Bailey

Continued from page 1

How incredibly self-defeating is that?

The goal of your presentation preparation is to do EVERYTHING necessary to be prepared for your presentation and then change that negative self-talk into a more positive dialogue that increases self-esteem, reduces anxiety, and sets uprepparttar expectation of success. Before a presentation, you should be telling yourself, “I am ready. I’ve done everything I could to prepare. I know my stuff. I am going to do very well.” This will enable you to think positively about your presentation and carry that positive attitude into your actual presentation.

What amazes me is how much more difficult it is to be kind to ourselves and believe in our success than it is to demean and berate ourselves and expect to fail.

The things we say to ourselves undoubtedly influence our feelings and our attitudes. Instead of telling yourself that you aren’t ready or that you wanted to be more prepared, why not try adjusting your attitude torepparttar 107983 positive side of life—“I am ready and I am going to give a good presentation.” Then watch as your positive outlook creates a positive outcome!

For much more about this and other Presentation Secrets, check outrepparttar 107984 book "15 Presentation Secrets: How to WOW Evenrepparttar 107985 Toughest Audience," by Debbie Bailey available at

Debbie Bailey is author of the book "15 Presentation Secrets - How to WOW Even the Toughest Audience." She is well known for her life changing presentation skills classes.

Debbie possesses a Masters Degree in Professional Communications and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech Communication.

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