Helping Our Children Feel Good About Themselves and Create Positive Memories for Later

Written by Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

Continued from page 1

Last Sunday evening I did not have to stay at club until it was over. I got home just in time forrepparttar tea party. Sabrina set me a spot atrepparttar 111484 table. She offered me sugar and cookies. We chatted. She acted a little silly. It was really cute and I was glad I got to peek in on what she and my husband usually do. After I had a couple sips, I slipped away to my office to check email so they could have their usual special time alone.'

Lorna, Sabrina's mom, is describing such a wonderful activity that lends itself both to building self-esteem and to beautiful positive memories inrepparttar 111485 future. I can picture Sabrina sharing her tea parties with her daddy years later with her own children!

Exercise: Play Date with a Child in Your Life

Can you think of something special that you could offer a child in your life? You don't have to be a parent or grandparent. You may know a child downrepparttar 111486 street, or a cousin or even a friend's child. A special outing or treat can go a long way to bringing delight to a child.

I remember when my aunt Rose arrived at my cousin's home with a surprise for me! It was a box inrepparttar 111487 shape of a treasure chest and it contained some perfume and soaps all designed for a little girl. I was thrilled and felt very special. I can still remember lovingly keeping my treasure chest and eventually filling it with other treasures after I had used allrepparttar 111488 soaps, lotions and bubble bath. Yes, this treasure chest did make me feel special, very feminine and created a great memory trace.

I know you will have fun with a play date. Keep us posted on what you do.

Dr. Holstein is the originator of The Enchanted Self and a psychologist since 1981. She is the author of two books: The Enchanted Self, A Positive Therapy and Recipes for Enchantment, The Secret Ingredient is YOU! Dr. Holstein speaks on radio, and appears on television in NY and NJ. She gives lectures, seminars, retreats and audio interviews on and is in private practice in Long Branch, NJ with her husband, Dr. Russell Holstein.

A New Pet For the Holidays? Say It Isn't So!

Written by

Continued from page 1

* Askrepparttar local animal shelter for a 'gift certificate'. The recipient of your gift can then go torepparttar 111483 shelter and selectrepparttar 111484 right pet for himself.

* Provide other 'goodies' that a new pet owner can use after a pet joinsrepparttar 111485 family: gift certificates for pet-sitting, obedience training, or for supplies at a local pet store. Or fill a basket with pet 'goodies' such as a brush, bowls, treats, and toys.

* Books forrepparttar 111486 pet lover: for example, dog lovers may appreciate a book that offers photos and descriptions of different dog breeds. It will helprepparttar 111487 recipient chooserepparttar 111488 right type of dog for his or her lifestyle.

Pets enrich our lives and good homes are always needed. However, adopting a pet is a major decision that should not be rushed -- so please, enjoyrepparttar 111489 holiday season with your family and friends... and consider welcoming a new furry friend afterrepparttar 111490 hustle and bustle have died down. Then you can be free to relax and enjoy welcomingrepparttar 111491 newest member of your family to your home.

_____ features pet-friendly cottages, cabins, B&Bs, hotels, and other lodging from across Canada that will welcome your four-legged friends! Pay them a visit today and and subscribe to their f*ree newsletter for pet lovers around the globe!

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