Help Wanted -New Business Leadership required to jumpstart the American Economy

Written by Denis Orme

Continued from page 1

In order to determine if they are critical, askrepparttar question, "If this function or task is not done well will there be a major negative impact on our business result orrepparttar 106732 functions supporting our business?" Ifrepparttar 106733 answer is 'Yes,' then this should be considered a Critical Success Factor.

Always complete a month-by-month twelve to eighteen month forward projection of both cashflow and profits. Without it you will not know how much time you have to effect change.

Additionally these tools provide an effective way to monitor your progress as you implement plans.

2.LEADERSHIP EVALUATION - Because many ofrepparttar 106734 problems currently facingrepparttar 106735 organization are rooted in poor or ineffective leadership I have found it beneficial for those in key positions to complete a Leadership Self-evaluation questionnaire and be part of a 360-degree feedback evaluation process.

In my experience, and in order to get an organization on to a new growth cycle changes in leadership or leadership performance may be required. These changes are also included in implementation Action Plans.

3.ACTION PLANS - In each area of focus, outline detailed Action Plans to resolve shortcomings. Responsibility for accomplishingrepparttar 106736 task; timeline for attainment; players needed to producerepparttar 106737 result; andrepparttar 106738 anticipated result are always contained in Greenfields Action Plans.

If Action Items require a team approach to their implementation, thenrepparttar 106739 composition ofrepparttar 106740 team must be identified and put in place, but remember, responsibility for achievingrepparttar 106741 result can only be delegated to one person. 4.MUTUAL TRUST - Building trust and respect aroundrepparttar 106742 need for change is an imperative because without it,repparttar 106743 desired changes simply will not occur. Undertake widespread education onrepparttar 106744 need for change, and depending onrepparttar 106745 amount of time you have (i.e., how fast your business or cashflow is slipping), this education should continue over several months.

This will not berepparttar 106746 case for those organizations in crisis, and after two or three briefings onrepparttar 106747 situation or crisis (within a few days) there should be Implementation Updates on a regular basis. Inrepparttar 106748 latter case trust will occur through a combination of initial briefings andrepparttar 106749 Implementation Updates.

A willingness to trust may have been initially withheld, but once those working with you seerepparttar 106750 urgency of actions,repparttar 106751 results and your willingness to share information, then they will start to develop trust and respect.

5.CONFLICT RESOLUTION - Wherever there is change, poor communication, uncertainty, or poor results, there will be conflict.

Poor results require successful organizations to get beyondrepparttar 106752 'blame game' and where there is significant change,repparttar 106753 organization must, through this Greenfields Approach, provide support in conflict resolution.

Conflict is healthy when it is channeled towards producingrepparttar 106754 desired result towards a common goal. That result must be beneficial torepparttar 106755 organization and those associated with it, rather than being rooted inrepparttar 106756 self-interest of just one person.

Another frequent cause of conflict relates to personality or leadership style differences.

Regardless of personality differences or leadership styles it is not just a question of resolvingrepparttar 106757 conflict, but how it is resolved that becomes important.

Wherever possible during conflict resolution mutual respect should be retained, or if this is not possible, work team reassignment may providerepparttar 106758 only alternative to retaining an effective implementation program.

6.IMPLEMENTATION COMMITMENT - You have now completedrepparttar 106759 Greenfields Planning Process without constraint, but as you know all organizations operate with some form of constraint, whether it be cashflow, not havingrepparttar 106760 right personnel, or even time-to-market product issues.

Implementation plans are now evaluated inrepparttar 106761 context of "Given our specific constraints"

What is realistic? What is possible and practical?

Action Items are adopted and prioritized according to answers to these questions.

In my experience, over 90% of all plan failures relate to a lack of sustained commitment to implementation, with only 10% ofrepparttar 106762 failures arising from poor strategies contained inrepparttar 106763 plan.

The Greenfields approach will deliver Action Plans to facilitaterepparttar 106764 rapid turnaround of your organization and provides you with an effective interim plan. Short-term successes give validity to your overall plan and providerepparttar 106765 time required for more sustained implementation through a cultural shift.

Implementation Plans must be managed and require not justrepparttar 106766 weight of key leaders behind them, but their active commitment and participation.

Without continued open communication andrepparttar 106767 sustained commitment of your senior management group thenrepparttar 106768 desired results simply will not occur.

After several months of effective implementation, you will be in a position to addrepparttar 106769 dimension of more long-term thinking to your planning process.

If you want to do something better, then underrepparttar 106770 Greenfields approach you had better do something different.

If you want to do something different then you had better change your behavior.

Have you: i.Created a sense of Urgency? ii.Created and over communicated your organization's future vision? iii.Built a guiding coalition around that Vision? iv.Providedrepparttar 106771 opportunity for short-term wins? v.Provided a process to anchor changes in a new corporate culture?

By adopting and implementingrepparttar 106772 Greenfields Planning method, and by changing your leadership style and performance, you have now setrepparttar 106773 course for a profitable sustainable long-term business result.

Remember, while you are implementing changerepparttar 106774 economy will shift further,repparttar 106775 market will move, but most of all your people will need strong centrally directed leadership (not autocratic management) to keeprepparttar 106776 focus and achieverepparttar 106777 result.

Based upon today's economy andrepparttar 106778 prognosis until mid-2002 isn't it time for you to act?

Denis Orme Is CEO of the Leadership Success Institute, Inc. He has consulted to more than 200 international organizations - from startups to Fortune 500 companies and Government entities.

He is author of the new book Lessons From Leadership Failures: The Greenfields Approach.

Dot Bomb - Trend or Lesson?

Written by Michael Bloch

Continued from page 1


I found this survey to be particularly interesting in that there seems to be a strong message that people are growing weary and wary of our "eye candy" tactics to attract visitors and to hold them. If this survey is a true indication ofrepparttar general mood of Internet users, then it is clearly showing us that people want quality information, they want it quickly and they want it easily. We need to understand that our visitors want to make informed decisions based on sound information before making purchases through our sites rather than us telling them what they need.

The recent closure of many major eCommerce based sites is notrepparttar 106731 "Grim Reaper", it is simply a lesson to us all thatrepparttar 106732 consumer is king, and needs to be treated as such. We all need to focus on what I callrepparttar 106733 4C's:

Customer Service: How long does it take you to respond to your visitors feedback or enquiries?

Content: More quality information and less hype.

Credibility: Would you buy something from someone in a dark alley? We need to gainrepparttar 106734 trust of our visitors before they will makerepparttar 106735 decision to purchase from us.

Coding: The quality of our coding needs to improve (yes, I'm guilty as charged ;0)..) to allow us to migrate relatively painlessly to emerging standards such as XML and XHTML. This will also ensure maximum compatibility withrepparttar 106736 myriad of browser versions and OS's now in use.

With these points in mind, we will benefit fromrepparttar 106737 Internet and provide benefits to others. Hopefully we will see some sort of return torepparttar 106738 Internet "community" concept.

Greed may make you a few dollars quickly, but is not a good approach for longevity. Small web site owners now have a golden opportunity to step in, learn fromrepparttar 106739 lessons ofrepparttar 106740 dot bombs and become prosperous - it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.

Michael Bloch Tutorials, web content and tools, software and community. Web Marketing, eCommerce & Development solutions. _____________________________________________ 

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