Help For Alopecia: The Locks Of Love Story

Written by Seth B.

Continued from page 1
space from a local hospital and working with a manufacturer ofrepparttar highest quality prosthetics that she could find, LOL was off and running. Sincerepparttar 150236 beginningrepparttar 150237 charity has received a great deal of support by bothrepparttar 150238 media and its volunteers throughoutrepparttar 150239 country. LOL has been featured or mentioned on television shows like Oprah, 20/20, The View, Jay Leno, Maury Povich, Good Morning America, CBS Good Morning, CNN Espanol and Inside Edition and in national publications including USA Today, The NY Times, People, Seventeen, Glamour, CosmoGirl, Self, Redbook, Woman's Day, ElleGirl, Child Magazine, and Ladies Home Journal. Over 2,000 hair donations are received throughrepparttar 150240 mail each week. 80% of our hair donors are good hearted children.

The number of hairpieces produced has increased significantly since its inception, from 21repparttar 150241 first year to over 1,000. LOL has recipients in all 50 states and Canada and is working towards its goal to help every financially disadvantaged child suffering from long-term hair loss.

Richard Amburn

Best Flat Tummy Exercises For Great Female Abs

Written by Olinda Rola

Continued from page 1

b. Cross your arms over your chest and roll your head and shoulders forward toward your chest.

c. Gently and slowly lean back, keeping your head and shoulders tucked. Continue until you begin to feel your stomach muscles contracting.

d. Then try to lean back just a bit more if you can and hold that position until your muscles start shaking. Try to hold this position with your muscles shaking for five seconds, then ease back torepparttar upright sitting position.

e. Repeat in a few seconds.

4. Reduce Chewing Exercises - yes, as in jaw muscles used for excessive chewing as in overeating. Reducing overeating or exercising those jaw muscles less may be necessary to have great female abs. No one can see great female abs if they are covered with body fat! Having great female abs may require losing some body fat. Losing body fat means:

a. Cardio exercise on a regular basis - gettingrepparttar 150212 heartbeat up with fun whole-body workouts several times a week.

b. Healthy eating habits - eating healthy foods, eliminating sodas/junk food and taking in fewer calories than you burn each day.

c. Besides flat tummy exercises, strength training forrepparttar 150213 whole body - any muscle tissue you add will burn extra calories 24/7.

Besides looking great, having great female abs is about good health. Visually and physically,repparttar 150214 midsection isrepparttar 150215 center ofrepparttar 150216 body andrepparttar 150217 foundation of strength. Weak abdominals leave a woman weaker looking and vulnerable to lower back pain. At first,repparttar 150218 goal is to build uprepparttar 150219 basic strength inrepparttar 150220 female abs area with flat tummy exercises. And remember, always check with your health care provider before starting any exercise program. Start out slowly and gradually build up your strength and repetitions.

For great abs and good health,repparttar 150221 ideal is to reduce body fat down to no lower than 15-20% for women. Sometimes, doing flat tummy exercises isrepparttar 150222 EASY part, losing excess body fat isrepparttar 150223 TOUGH part. Eat right, exercise right. It may take time, just do not give up on your dream of having those great female abs.

Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing

Olinda Rola is President of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of - a website of physician-recommended natural treatments and articles for a variety of health issues. Visit the website for an excellent free Permanent Weight Loss Report you can view online right now.

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