Help! Prices Keep Going Up!

Written by Cyndi Roberts

Continued from page 1

7. Save all your plastic shopping bags and use them as liners in wastebaskets.

8. If possible, route your washing machine to drain outside and water your lawn or garden.

9. Use small loads in your washer and dryer to help eliminate wrinkles. Cold water rinsing also helps keep wrinkles to a minimum.

10. When dusting, add a little liquid fabric softener to a soft cloth. Because ofrepparttar anti-static properties, it helps keep dust off a little longer. Plus, it makesrepparttar 110166 room smell really good!

11. Don't throw away your old shower curtain! Use it as a drop cloth when painting. Or coverrepparttar 110167 floor or table when you orrepparttar 110168 kids are working on a craft project.

12. To remove water spots from your stainless steel sink, simply wipe with white vinegar or rubbing alcohol.

13. Instead of buying extra pillows to go in your pillow shams, store your extra blankets in them.

14. For a natural carpet deodorizer, sprinkle carpet with baking soda. Let sit for a few minutes or even over- night; then vacuum as usual.

15. Put an old sock on your hand, dampen it a little, and dustrepparttar 110169 leaves of your houseplants. Add a dab of mayonnaise and your plants' leaves will shine!

"We have succeeded in life when all we really want is only what we really need."

Cyndi Roberts is the editor of the "1 Frugal Friend 2 Another" bi-weekly newsletter, featuring creative ideas and tips to help you "live the good life...on a budget!" Visit to download a free "Recipe Sampler". Subscribe to the newsletter and receive the free e-course "Taming the Monster Grocery Bill".

Build Child's Self-Esteem to Increase Safety

Written by Kathy Alexander

Continued from page 1

How do you build self-esteem in children? Constantly let your child know he or she is special, that you care about them, be compassionate, let your child know you are in his or her corner and you can facerepparttar challenges together.

Even when disciplining your child, you can getrepparttar 110165 concept across thatrepparttar 110166 discipline is to teach them acceptable behaviors forrepparttar 110167 outside world, but you love them no matter what. The discipline is forrepparttar 110168 actions they took and your parental guidance is to help them not harm themselves or others. If discipline is approached as teaching your child instead of punishing your child, a bond can be built between parent and child even duringrepparttar 110169 challenging times of discipline.

Rememberrepparttar 110170 basics, love you children, and show your children you love them. Reinforce your love for your children and they will thrive - safely! Be a safe harbor; let them know at home they can face any challenge together with you as a family. There is strength in numbers and you are their numbers. Confident children are safer children!

Kathy Alexander, Mother of four, Madison (3), Delaney(2), Courtney(2), and Wyatt(4 mos). She and her husband of 11 years live in Texas with their children. Protect Children! Teach Safety! 4 Kidz 4 Safety 'N More offers child safety products including photo identification, DNA & fingerprinting kits, books, games and charts at !

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