Help! I Don't Know What to Name My Business

Written by Debbie LaChusa

Continued from page 1

But even then I thought, DLC Marketing, Inc. still isn't a great name. What does it tell people about what I do? It tells them I do marketing, and certainly I, or my web site copy, could explain my services and how I was unique. But what if they never got pastrepparttar still somewhat nondescript name?

Choose A Name That Communicates An Idea

So I started thinking about how I could name my business differently to communicate my unique selling proposition more clearly. And that is when I came up withrepparttar 146845 name 10stepmarketing. To avoid having to re-incorporate, and because 10stepmarketing is a service I am offering that is closely related torepparttar 146846 marketing consulting services I offer through DLC Marketing, Inc. I have chosen not to re-name my business, but to rather just market usingrepparttar 146847 10stepmarketing name. The initial response has been amazing. Suddenly people instantly want to know more about what I do. They ask questions and they want an explanation. That never happened withrepparttar 146848 other names I was using.

You see,repparttar 146849 name 10stepmarketing communicates an idea. Somethingrepparttar 146850 other names did not do. Sorepparttar 146851 prospects I encounter that resonate withrepparttar 146852 idea it represents immediately want to know more. Is 10stepmarketing a great name? I don't know. But I do know it is strategically focused onrepparttar 146853 services I deliver, and I am almost embarrassed to say that my previous business names were not (I am a marketing consultant after all. I should know better!). And I can't argue withrepparttar 146854 response I have received thus far.

(C) Copyright 2005 Debbie LaChusa, 10stepmarketing

20-year marketing veteran Debbie LaChusa created The 10stepmarketing System to help small business owners and solo-preneurs successfully market their business, themselves without spending a fortune on marketing. To learn more about this simple, step-by-step program and to sign up for her FREE audio class and FREE weekly ezine featuring how-to articles, tips and advice, visit

How To Market Effectively Even If No One Understands What You Do

Written by Debbie LaChusa

Continued from page 1

Make sure your web site content clearly explains what you do. Provide free Special Reports so prospects can learn more.

Conduct free seminars or teleseminars, or provide consultations so prospects can meet you and hear more about how your product or service can help them.

Your marketing goal should be to get as much educational information out to your prospects as possible. Once they begin to understand what you do, they will be more open to your product or service.

They'll also appreciate allrepparttar information you've provided. And, you will have earned their trust. People tend to do business with those they know and trust, or those who help them. So odds are if they are inrepparttar 146844 market for a product or service in your category you'll berepparttar 146845 one to get their business.

(C) 2005 Debbie LaChusa

20-year marketing veteran Debbie LaChusa created The 10stepmarketing System to help small business owners and solo-preneurs successfully market their business, themselves without spending a fortune on marketing. To learn more about this simple, step-by-step program and to sign up for her FREE audio class and FREE weekly ezine featuring how-to articles, tips and advice, visit

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