Heart Rate Monitor

Written by Sara Jenkins

Continued from page 1

Heart rate is an important parameter for monitoringrepparttar reaction of a person's body involved in training. The Heart Rate Monitor provides a convenient method for measuring and recording heart rate during exercise.

A wide variety of Heart Rate Monitors have been launched inrepparttar 145679 market. Many ofrepparttar 145680 new models of these monitors are so compact that they can be easily stored. These Heart Rate Monitors come with an easy to carry bag having specialized chords in them. While buying Heart Rate Monitors, one should keep in mind thatrepparttar 145681 monitor should be a quality product and measuresrepparttar 145682 exact heart rate. After all you are spending a lot on Heart Rate Monitor.

Online entrepreneur Sara Jenkins, is dedicated to helping others and their needs to succeed in life by offering free tips everyday. To learn more about her free tips program, and to sign up for her FREE how-to articles and FREE bonus how-to books and resources, visit www.TipsEveryDay.com

Strategies for Alleviating the Boredom Associated with Exercise

Written by ADD Management Coach Jennifer Koretsky

Continued from page 1

2. Followrepparttar Seasons Find seasonal activities that you might enjoy. Inrepparttar 145678 winter, skiing, ice skating and snow showing are great forms of exercise. Inrepparttar 145679 summer,repparttar 145680 choices are almost limitless: team sports, swimming, rollerblading, biking, etc.

3. Join an Activity Club or Take a Class A great way to ensure that you get regular exercise is to follow some pre-set structure. Exercise classes that meet once or twice a week for an hour or so will really help you shape up. Try dance or martial arts classes for a good workout!

Or, if there is a physical activity that you really love, but never allow yourselfrepparttar 145681 time to enjoy, give yourself permission to join an activity club. You'll meet new people, spend more time on what you enjoy, and get your exercise inrepparttar 145682 process.

4. Use Music If you must go torepparttar 145683 gym, bring along some headphones and some fun music. It will keep your energy level up, and will allow you to focus on something a little more interesting thanrepparttar 145684 wall in front of your exercise equipment.

Exercise is an excellent tool for managing ADD. It offers many physical and mental health benefits, and it can be a lot of fun! Remember, when an ADDer starts to get bored with exercise, it's time to mix it up.

Note: Always check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine.

Jennifer Koretsky is a Professional ADD Management Coach who helps adults manage their ADD and move forward in life. She encourages clients to increase self-awareness, focus on strengths and talents, and create realistic action plans. She offers a 90-day intensive skill-building program, workshops, and private coaching. To subscribe to Jennifer’s free email newsletter, The ADD Management Guide, please visit http://www.addmanagement.com/e-newsletter.htm

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