Health & Fitness Needs During Lactation

Written by Ms Namita Nayyar

Continued from page 1

A Kegel should also be performed simultaneously after a modified crunch to supportrepparttar pelvic floor, which receives downward pressure fromrepparttar 131003 contracting abdominals. The spine should be slowly curled forward whilerepparttar 131004 head and shoulders are lifted 15-20 centimeters andrepparttar 131005 waist kept flat onrepparttar 131006 floor. The feet should be unrestrained to avoid usingrepparttar 131007 assistance ofrepparttar 131008 hip flexors. The movement is performed with outstretched arms held straight towardrepparttar 131009 knees to emphasizerepparttar 131010 rectus muscles and then rotated diagonally torepparttar 131011 opposite knee to involverepparttar 131012 obliques. As greater strength is gained over time,repparttar 131013 arms can be folded acrossrepparttar 131014 chest and eventually held alongsiderepparttar 131015 head to increase resistance.

To overcome inertia,repparttar 131016 movements should be smooth, without sudden jerks.

Regular breathing is necessary. Exhalation should occur asrepparttar 131017 muscles tighten and inhalation asrepparttar 131018 muscles relax.

More abdominal exercises can be found at:

One to 3 months following childbirth, a complete vigorous workout can be performed, including aerobic exercises for stimulatingrepparttar 131019 cardiovascular system, resistance exercise usingrepparttar 131020 body's own weight, machines and hand-held weights for developing overall muscular strength, and stretching exercise for improving joint flexibility.

Drinking plenty of fluids before, during, and after exercise is important. This practice helps prevent dizziness from either hypovolemia or hypoglycemia.

Walking and non-weight-bearing aerobic activities, such as stationary cycling and water exercise (e.g., swimming, aerobics, and jogging) are recommended & are best duringrepparttar 131021 early recovery stage. Jogging before involution ofrepparttar 131022 uterus to its pre-pregnant size causes excess weight to push down onrepparttar 131023 pelvic floor. Pelvic organs, most frequentlyrepparttar 131024 vagina and uterus but sometimesrepparttar 131025 bladder or rectum, may protrude when support is inadequate. Ligaments surroundingrepparttar 131026 joints also need time to recover fromrepparttar 131027 increased laxity from pregnancy. It is a good idea to wait 3 to 6 months before jogging. Heavy breasts may also be difficult to support against bouncing.

A heart rate maximum of between 135-150 is recommended duringrepparttar 131028 first few months postpartum (ACOG, 1994). A 5-minute warm-up should precede working atrepparttar 131029 prescribed heart rate. A duration of 10-15 minutes is appropriate to start with, working up gradually to 45 minutes within a month. If walking is chosen, good shoes with adequate foot support are a must to avoid shin splints or other orthopedic problems. Cross training (alternating activities) is an effective method for preventing overuse workout syndrome injuries.

It is recommended that 8-10 different strengthening exercises utilizingrepparttar 131030 major muscle groups be done at least twice a week. If a machine on which resistance can be adjusted is used,repparttar 131031 setting should be heavy enough to allow at least 8-12 repetitions, depending onrepparttar 131032 exercise. Upon completion of a set,repparttar 131033 sensation inrepparttar 131034 muscles should be one of moderate fatigue. The set should be stopped two to three repetitions shy of maximal fatigue. This assures an adequate overload stimulus but protects against overdoing. It is recommended that two sets of each exercise be done with a 1- to 2-minute break between sets. If desired, after 1 to 2 months of consistent workouts, a woman can perform a circuit-style weight program in which she advances from one exercise torepparttar 131035 next with only a 15-second pause between exercises. Besides strengtheningrepparttar 131036 muscles, this format also provides a significant cardiovascular stimulus.

Women must be careful when stretching after childbirth becauserepparttar 131037 joints and soft tissues have increased laxity. This is due to increased secretions of relaxin and progesterone during pregnancy, resulting in softened ligaments, cartilage, andrepparttar 131038 cervix to prepare for delivery. These hormones do not return to pre-pregnancy baseline levels for several months inrepparttar 131039 breastfeeding mother, so she needs to be especially cautious. The muscles needingrepparttar 131040 greatest attention are those that may have shortened during pregnancy and may include those ofrepparttar 131041 lower back, hip flexors, chest, hamstrings, inner thighs, and calves. Best results are achieved when flexibility exercises are done followingrepparttar 131042 aerobic phase ofrepparttar 131043 workout and before strength exercise.


A regular regimen of physical exercise, coupled with eating a low-fat diet, may be undertaken during lactation without detrimental effects torepparttar 131044 health ofrepparttar 131045 mother or torepparttar 131046 growth ofrepparttar 131047 infant. The benefits of weight and fat loss, especially fromrepparttar 131048 lower body, and improved mental outlook and long-term prevention of certain chronic diseases clearly outweigh any risks.

Namita Nayyar, creator of WF, has studied in-depth about nutrition, both normal and therapeutic and exercise. President of Women Fitness (WF), she is the author of all five "on-line books" of complete fitness and has designed the customized strength training, cardiovascular training and flexibility training programs for women to assist them in achieving their health and fitness goals. She has trained many women in this field.

The Thrill Ride Called Life- Facing Fear with Strength and Courage

Written by Beth A. Tabak

Continued from page 1

What if you are not in danger and it is just your active inner critic holding you back fromrepparttar one thing you keep thinking about? The title of Susan Jeffers book says it all “Feelrepparttar 131002 Fear and Do It Anyway.” Take time to watch kids. I have seen some ofrepparttar 131003 most uncoordinated kids end up as good athletes. The more you do somethingrepparttar 131004 better you get. Kids prove it over and over again while learning to walk, talk, read, write, ride bike, climb, speak in front of others, draw, dance, study, play sports, etc. Consider that at birth we were given every human trait to access when we choose. Don’t just choose one of these traits and make that your identity. Practice being more courageous and you will become more courageous. Yes, it is a good idea to orient your life around your strengths. However, you know that thing you really want to try but for whatever reason you keep talking yourself out of it? Try it out with low expectations. Just do it forrepparttar 131005 experience of doing it. It is a thrill when you step outsiderepparttar 131006 box and do something new. The first 30 minute talk a gave was a huge step for me. I went withrepparttar 131007 attitude that I wanted to finish, touch one person, and have it be a learning experience, and I did. What a high! Did I wowrepparttar 131008 audience? No. Did I learn, gain experience, gain contacts, get a new client, and receive comments and notes of support? Yes. Start with small steps. Let me know how it turns out.

Do not allow fear to paralyze and control you. Be your own biggest supporter. Embracerepparttar 131009 thrills that life has to offer... Starting Now!

Taking Action: Live inrepparttar 131010 present, learn, and gain strength. Analyzerepparttar 131011 message fear is sending you. Are you in danger? What are you really afraid of? Take action. Look at all of your choices. New actions lead to new results. Step beyond your comfort zone. Be your own greatest supporter. Have a Happy Halloween!

Copyright 2002, Beth A. Tabak. All rights reserved.

Beth Tabak is a Business & Life Coach, columnist, & owner of Starting Now. She is 100% committed to coaching small business owners and professionals to grow beyond limits, and create the business and life they keep thinking about. Set your goals, pick up a task list, take a class, discover a new resource all complimentary at .

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