Health Is Internal Beauty

Written by Tonya Zavasta

Continued from page 1

The body often displays real ingenuity faced with substances it cannot metabolize or eliminate. It breaks them down and distributes them to remote areas ofrepparttar body away from vital organs to minimize harm. The body takesrepparttar 143825 poisons out-of-the-way but not necessarily out of sight. The toxic wastes are pushed towardsrepparttar 143826 peripheral organs, which happen to berepparttar 143827 skin and every other organ that we can see onrepparttar 143828 outside.

External deformities are direct manifestations of internal pathologies. Ugly ropes of varicose veins, puffy faces, and cellulite are telling tales about your inside condition. Every pimple, psoriasis, or pigment change on your skin is in fact a reflection of some organ struggling to do its job. Every bulge, boil, or swelling is a sign thatrepparttar 143829 body is pushing out some toxins in its effort to protect itself.

The term “natural beauty” has been misused and abused beyond restoration. Because there is no natural beauty without 100% natural food,repparttar 143830 beauty that will emerge onrepparttar 143831 raw food diet I call Rawsome Beauty. Our external beauty is at its best when our internal organs are inrepparttar 143832 best possible shape, form, and color. Beautiful is not something extrarepparttar 143833 body needs: to be beautiful both inside and out isrepparttar 143834 natural state of one’s body.

The vitality of internal organs, working properly, transcends your skin and brings a radiance to your face. This is when beauty does penetraterepparttar 143835 skin. So when we admire sparkling eyes, fabulous skin, and lustrous hair, in a way we are admiringrepparttar 143836 teamwork of a healthy liver, colon, kidneys, etc. How profoundrepparttar 143837 direct meaning ofrepparttar 143838 phrase "beauty comes from within" really is.

Health and beauty are considered to be chronological losses. In my books I will convince you they don’t have to be. It is biologically possible to look beautiful at any age. I intend to prove that beauty is not an accident; beauty is your birthright, it can be yours throughrepparttar 143839 right daily choices, food you put in your mouth beingrepparttar 143840 most important one. You can dramatically improve your appearance and do it 100 percent on your own without expensive products, plastic surgery or costly cosmetics.

"This article may be freely reprinted as long asrepparttar 143841 entire article and byline are included."

Tonya Zavasta is the raw food lifestyle expert, the author of the books Beautiful On Raw: UnCooked Creations and Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You, named a 2004 Health Book of the Year Award finalist by ForeWord Magazine. For more information on how to reveal your Rawsome beauty visit her web-site at:

An Introduction to Bach Flower Essences Part I – The Twelve Healers

Written by Misty Rae Cech

Continued from page 1

Clematis – The Clematis flower essence type is a dreamy one; there is insufficient interest inrepparttar immediate moment of daily life. The individual may have a strong inner life –repparttar 143798 abilities to dream, visualize and imagine are well developed, butrepparttar 143799 manifestation intorepparttar 143800 physical world is not strong. Clematis can help bring a warmth torepparttar 143801 bodily incarnation, such thatrepparttar 143802 individual can channel their great gifts intorepparttar 143803 here and now.

Agrimony – The Agimony flower essence type tends to hide more deeply rooted pain or ailments behind a cheerful façade, both inwardly and outwardly. They may make light of their own suffering, or try to ignore it all together, when really there are patterns and feelings which need to be addressed for personal growth and healing. These individuals may have been raised in strict environments, which may not have allowedrepparttar 143804 expression of such troubles. Agrimony flower essence can help them find inner peace, by allowingrepparttar 143805 connection to true inner conditions, acceptance of these conditions, and subsequent transformation.

Chicory – Filled with self-pity, andrepparttar 143806 ‘nobody appreciates me’ attitude,repparttar 143807 Chicory flower essence type squanders their light by demanding it from others. A guise of seemingly loving behavior can be used to manipulate others into feeding somewhat selfish needs. The Chicory essence is considered important for clearing loving energy pathways so they may be directed outward and given freely. May be particularly helpful with children who have a pattern of negative behavior for demanding attention.

Vervain – The lesson of Vervain flower essence is one of balance. The individual in need of Vervain may be extreme, over-bearing, and very strong – perhaps inflexible – in their ways. Though their energies are high,repparttar 143808 single-minded efforts ofrepparttar 143809 Vervain type can result in stress, when given situations where flexibility is required. This is whererepparttar 143810 mind-body connection can be lost;repparttar 143811 mind can be so strongly committed to a particular action, it may no longer considerrepparttar 143812 long-term effects torepparttar 143813 physical being. Vervain flower essence brings grounding and earthly balance, allowing these strong-willed individualsrepparttar 143814 flexibility necessary to manifest their great intentions and efforts.

Centaury - The flower essence for those who cannot say no. The Chicory essence type finds their reason for being inrepparttar 143815 service and acceptance of others. The result is no true value of self, andrepparttar 143816 spreading thin of personal energies. There isrepparttar 143817 recurrent theme of personal boundaries being overstepped, becauserepparttar 143818 will to create and enforce those boundaries is weak. Chicory flower essence strengthensrepparttar 143819 value of one’s self, supportingrepparttar 143820 notion that one’s life in and of itself is of importance. The idea that one must truly be honoring and respectful to one’s self first, before others can be served, is reinforced – It is then that personal healing can finally be initiated as a powerful force.

Scleranthus – The personality in need of Scleranthus flower essence is marked by indecision, confusion and hesitation, often wavering between two choices. This inability to deciderepparttar 143821 best course of actions for one’s self can be physically and emotionally draining – this mental energy is used repeatedly examining a situation rather than manifestingrepparttar 143822 best choice. The world can be a difficult place for such individuals, as there are limitless possibilities in which to get lost, never really making headway. Scleranthus will help these individuals define themselves and their world, summoningrepparttar 143823 strength to form an inner resolve. This allows a great release of energy to be happy and manifest one’s chosen work.

Water Violet – This important flower essence is aboutrepparttar 143824 opening ofrepparttar 143825 heart. Those in need of this essence may be functioning quite effectively in society and within their familial relationships, however,repparttar 143826 deepest parts of these bonds are avoided. Whether due to childhood experiences, karma brought to this life fromrepparttar 143827 past, or other situations,repparttar 143828 individual has constructed a barrier preventing full integration withrepparttar 143829 human family. The true warmth of love and companionship should be utilized to further one’s growth – Water Violet flower essence supports this transformation.

Rock Rose – This isrepparttar 143830 flower essence for great fear. Unlike Mimulus, which is indicated more for a fear which manifests as being ‘timid’, Rock Rose addresses terror. It is often indicated in traumatic events (as a component of Rescue Remedy) or for specific instances where a reaction of overwhelming fear is inhibiting further growth or healing. If one has been diagnosed with a life threatening illness, for example, and one is overcome withrepparttar 143831 fear of death, this fear will inhibit any healing process that may take place. Rock Rose brings courage to those most in need.

Cerato – Cerato flower essence types do not trust their own hearts, minds or instincts; instead they seekrepparttar 143832 advice of others, and rely on this advice to direct their lives. This almost certainly creates an imbalance, for it is only by honestly listening to our own inner voice that we may walkrepparttar 143833 path to true physical and emotional wellness. While seeking advice is certainly important in most of life’s circumstances,repparttar 143834 Cerato type uses this advice as a crutch. Cerato flower essence will encourage one to listen to one’s own inner wisdom and facilitate spiritual growth in this respect.

This concludesrepparttar 143835 summary ofrepparttar 143836 ‘Twelve Healers’ –repparttar 143837 flower essences Dr. Edward Bach considered key to transforming root personality imbalances. As a physician, Dr. Bach believed that one or more of these imbalances was to be found associated withrepparttar 143838 illness of each patient, and that if these imbalances were addressed,repparttar 143839 conditions necessary for healing may successfully arise. Of course one does not necessarily need to be outwardly manifesting a state of dis-ease to find benefit in these flower essences; through bringing balance to any person, they may further their personal development and heighten their life’s experience.

Inrepparttar 143840 next part of this article, we will look atrepparttar 143841 ‘Seven Helpers’ – Flower essences Dr. Bach considered useful in chronic states of illness.

Misty is a Naturopath and Yoga Teacher in Boulder, Colorado. She is the owner of Ananda Apothecary, an online dispensery of Essential Oils and Flower Essences. Misty employs Bach Flower Essences in her professional practice, finding them a gentle yet effective way to give momentum to her clients' healing.

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