Health Insurance for Seniors on the Web

Written by William Pritchett

Continued from page 1

There are literally hundreds of thousands of insurance agents and brokers advertising onrepparttar Internet. Most of them will provide instant on-line quotes and even applications forrepparttar 112613 potential insured. I highly discourage a layperson to purchase insurance in this fashion. A little knowledge can be dangerous.

The federal government has mandated to all states through legislation,repparttar 112614 standardized senior health insurance policy guidelines, which are governed and regulated by each state insurance department.

There are plans for almost every level of health. Some are designed and priced for a less than healthy individual. Others are for a person with minimal health concerns. . The whole concept of insurance is to provide protection for "unanticipated" sickness or injury, especially catastrophic expenses, which would devastate a person's net worth. The more small expenses a person is willing or able to pay (self-insure),repparttar 112615 lowerrepparttar 112616 rate. I recommend this strategy when evaluating your insurance options.

Another consideration when reviewing various insurance plans is to look atrepparttar 112617 company itself. How long hasrepparttar 112618 company been selling this type of insurance? Do they have a lot of complaints filed withrepparttar 112619 local department of insurance? Arerepparttar 112620 rates stable? Does it pay claims on time? Service? Most agents talk aboutrepparttar 112621 rating. These ratings are as follows: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, or "not rated".

Do not be fooled by rating alone. It is good to have a high rating, but it is far better to have a company that has longevity, stability, innovation, service, and expertise. The problem is that some companies enter into a market and quickly leave without explanation. This does not give security torepparttar 112622 policyholder.

The most important consideration should be a review ofrepparttar 112623 profit/loss ratio for that product. This will establish stability, and longevity inrepparttar 112624 market. An insurance company with a moderate profit in a particular line of business will remain in that market. Onrepparttar 112625 other hand, a company with losses will make changes and possibly even withdraw. This is information not normally available to Internet users.

Before entering into an insurance contract,repparttar 112626 senior person,repparttar 112627 family, and other advisors must be realistic, and a careful evaluation ofrepparttar 112628 entire picture must be examined. The age,repparttar 112629 health ofrepparttar 112630 senior,repparttar 112631 financial resources,repparttar 112632 personality and attitude ofrepparttar 112633 senior, and most importantlyrepparttar 112634 desires ofrepparttar 112635 senior, should all be considered.

Early planning is important, as qualification becomes increasingly more difficult asrepparttar 112636 applicant's health declines. The senior health care market is complex. I will offer some words of advice to attempt to alleviate potential pitfalls. *Choose a well-informed, seasoned, and service oriented agent or broker to assist your decision making process. The professional can offer invaluable information, but do not be afraid to ask a lot of questions and even get a second opinion. *Do not wait until your parent or loved one is sick, or injured. Plan ahead and takerepparttar 112637 time needed to cover allrepparttar 112638 options. *Choose an experienced insurance company. A Company that has been inrepparttar 112639 marketplace for a significant time and has maintained a balance of rates and benefits and sound risk selection with moderate rate increases over time is your best bet. *The plan should be flexible, with a broad range of options and benefit selections torepparttar 112640 insured. There should be no tricks, or complicated language forrepparttar 112641 coverage. An incredibly low rate is a red flag for trouble inrepparttar 112642 future. *Do not rush or be rushed by an over aggressive sales person.

This policy will not be inexpensive and will need to be read and reviewed for a clear understanding ofrepparttar 112643 contents. This is one advantage torepparttar 112644 Internet. You are allowed to read indefinitely before you act.

A long-term care program, with or without insurance coverage, will only work ifrepparttar 112645 senior has input intorepparttar 112646 care selection process. If there are any questions aboutrepparttar 112647 accreditation of a facility please callrepparttar 112648 "Continuing Care Accreditation Commission at 202-783-7286.

As I have mentioned in my article,repparttar 112649 best way to avoid potential problems are to plan ahead. I have found a company, that I highly reccommend as they are professional senior care specialist's and offer sound, practicle, individualized, advice for caregivers, family members, seniors, and guardians. They will advise on tax, legal, financial, health care, and other family issues, and are available nationwide.

author: William H. Pritchett Jr.

Mr. Pritchett is a certified estate planner with over 25 years of experience in long term care, medicare, and custodial care health insurance products. Mr. Pritchett was a pioneer in this market and developed the first "Home Health Care" insurance plan available in the United States in 1983. He has written many articles, is a national public speaker on the subject and sits on the board of directors for several large corporations.

Exciting Ways to Make Saving Money Fun

Written by Sarah Delaporte

Continued from page 1

TIP 4: Involve your kids in saving. Play games with them that shows them how to use money wisely. Money Matters is a game by Larry Burkett that does just that. Another way is to help them earn money save you money by encouraging them to cut coupons. To do this, give them a percentage of how much money you save when you userepparttar coupons they cut atrepparttar 112612 grocery store. They organize your coupons, helping you save and earn extra allowance too!

By making pinching pennies a hobby instead of a chore, you will save your family more money and find it exciting too!

Sarah Delaporte is the owner of Freebie Coupon Corner. She loves helping consumers save money on their groceries with her helpful e-book publications. For more information about Freebie Coupon Corner, you can visit the website at:

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