He Loves You, She Loves You Not

Written by sharon schurman

Continued from page 1

7. The person who won't berepparttar 'yes man' who agrees with you

No one who loves you is going to give yourepparttar 129949 green light and tell you to let er rip if it's clearly going to be bad for you. It's sad that often you surround yourself with people who tell you what you want to hear. The one who loves you will tell you to get help for a drinking or drugging problem, to stoprepparttar 129950 extramarital affair, and to be a good and decent person.

8. Someone who tells you to knock back, smellrepparttar 129951 roses, and enjoy life part ofrepparttar 129952 time.

If you are a person who is a real performer and doer, there are likely to be people around you who enjoyrepparttar 129953 fruits of your labor and want you to do even more. Sometimes you may even see yourself as only valuable when you are giving, doing, and performing. Listen torepparttar 129954 person who tells you that life is short and you need breaks and some R&R. That isrepparttar 129955 person who is looking out for you and your health.

9. The one who smiles at you and means it.

The person who loves you looks at you with eyes that smile and mean it. Too many people give you that slick smile, that quick pat onrepparttar 129956 back, and then forget that you even exist. The eyes arerepparttar 129957 windows of our soul and you can read into a person's smile if it is saying, 'You are a fine person and I want to be with you as long as possible'. Don't fall for any phony smile that attracts you off in another direction, only to leave you stranded and alone.

10. Someone who sees you as beautiful, inside and out.

You know you aren't perfect. There are only too many examples of you looking around and thinking that you have flaws and aren't likerepparttar 129958 people on television. The person who loves you sees you through eyes of acceptance with no conditions. As you gain a few pounds and your hair gets thin,repparttar 129959 person who sees you as attractive, inviting, and appealing isrepparttar 129960 person who loves you allrepparttar 129961 way, no strings or demands.

Nowadays, it's really important to know who loves you. Everything in our society is throw away, and many people have carried that over intorepparttar 129962 most important relationships in their lives. Think hard and look carefully. People who love you , like comfortable clothes, are easy onrepparttar 129963 heart, mind, and soul.

sharon schurman is a retired clinical counselor whose site offers information, suggestions, and tips on dealing with depression. http://www. depression-help-guide.com


Written by Terry L. Sumerlin

Continued from page 1

The second lesson is how a loss of respect due to financial woes affects one’s attitude toward others. Sherry can always tell when I’m not happy with myself. That’s when I’m unkind to her. I’mrepparttar same way with customers. In fact, there’s no telling how much business I ran off while I was drowning financially and emotionally. I could easily have lost both my family and my business.

The third lesson I will pass along is that “…there is more satisfaction in rational saving, than in irrational spending.” (P.T. Barnum). As perrepparttar 129948 financial advice I received for turning our circumstances around, Sherry and I began a consistent, well-planned investment, retirement program. That, combined withrepparttar 129949 fact thatrepparttar 129950 barbershop is now paid for, is very satisfying. It’s much more satisfying than new, showy things that we don’t need or can’t afford. I’m no longer interested in a big hat. I wantrepparttar 129951 cattle!

Lesson number four is to learn from others. Experience (the school of hard knocks) is a great teacher, but notrepparttar 129952 best. That’s because much of its value is lost inrepparttar 129953 time it takes to learnrepparttar 129954 lessons. Time-tested principles arerepparttar 129955 best teachers, and they can be discovered in writings, seminars, counseling and advice from those who have been there.

Yet, it still takes time to learn these things. And, as John Wayne said, “We’re burnin’ daylight.”

BARBER-OSOPHY: Control your money or it will control you.

Copyright 2004, Sumerlin Enterprises.

Permission is granted for you to copy this article for distribution as long asrepparttar 129956 above copyright and contact information is included. Please reference or include a link to www.barber-osophy.com.

Terry L. Sumerlin, known as the Barber-osopher, is the author of "Barber-osophy," is a columnist for the San Antonio Business Journal and speaks nationally as a humorist/motivational speaker.

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