Have you burned in sales before???

Written by Sam Bennani

Continued from page 1
Think of this: a Dental Plan for only $19.95 per Mo. ($11.95 single) PLUS Vision Chiropractic & Prescription Drug coverage FREE. If a family usesrepparttar plan at allrepparttar 134252 savings will always be much greater thanrepparttar 134253 cost ofrepparttar 134254 plan, so they KEEP IT. Company records bear this out as we consistently have over 92% retention rate each year. This allowsrepparttar 134255 average person to build a very stable income. We specialize in helping ordinary, average people make $600-$1200 in their first 7-14 days with us. We have a proven success system that we will teach you how to maintain a continuous cash flow while you build a lifetime residual income. You will have our total support in building your business and a lifetime vested income that you can pass on to generations of your family! Please review my website listed below, I am sure you will seerepparttar 134256 reality and power of this opportunity. We will help you build your business and achieverepparttar 134257 success you desire. LET ME HELP YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE STYLE. Call me now to answer any question you have and see if this opportunity is for you. Thank you,

SAM BENNANI Regional Sales Director 1-888-tooth-06 or 719-964-0920 www.iboplus.com/obennani to see what AMERIPLAN can do for you & your family

I am just an everyday Student, Husband & Dad maybe just like you. I worked 3 jobs & went to school full time. What changed my life is the MLM opportunity that I work right now. I have fired all my Bosses in less than 6 months. I still go to school full time. Because I care, I am sharing this information with everyone that is living the same nightmare I was going thru. Let me Help You, Call me now

The Power of Viral Marketing

Written by Anita DeFrank

Continued from page 1

--->Reports and Mini Courses So you don’t have enough content for an entire book. An easy solution would be to do something on a smaller scale such as offering free reports and mini courses. Let’s say you are either an affiliate or a sales rep that sells candles. You can offer a free report on candle safety. Be sure to include your website in your report. Usingrepparttar example above for those who sell spices, condiments and other goodies again. Set up an autoresponder to send out a recipe every day or every other day. You can find free autoresponders online. Just do a quick search.

--->Tell A Friend Make it easy for your visitors to share your website with their friends. Incorporate a “Tell A Friend” link your website and within a couple of clicks your visitors can sharerepparttar 134251 good find of your site with others. You can also find free scripts online for this via a quick search.

--->Articles Write articles that pertain to your product or service. Allow people to reprint your articles on their website, in their ezine, newsletter, magazine or ebooks. Include your resource box andrepparttar 134252 option for article reprints atrepparttar 134253 bottom of each article. If you have an affiliate program, let them include an affiliate ID inrepparttar 134254 resource box!

As I mentioned above, be creative! I’ve once heard about a woman who designed coloring pages and included her website address atrepparttar 134255 bottom of each page. She offeredrepparttar 134256 coloring pages for free re-print and presto, juniors best artwork and her website address on mom and grandma’s refrigerator! The possibilities are endless!

Anita DeFrank is a busy work at home mom who specializes in helping others become successful home business owners. Visit her site Affiliate News http://affiliate-news.blogspot.com to find how you can become a Super Affiliate too!

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