Have you been Rejected Lately?

Written by Norbert Lukacsi

Continued from page 1

Once a rejection occurs we are hurt our minds start asking why? What's wrong with me is itrepparttar way I look, my hair, my shape or perhaps my personality. You ask yourself is itrepparttar 141856 way you acted that causedrepparttar 141857 rejection? There are things you should try and avoid.

The fear of rejection is an issue we all face or have faced in our life's. It stops us approachingrepparttar 141858 person we really like. Rejection isrepparttar 141859 curse, confidence isrepparttar 141860 cure.The way to fix rejection is to balance with confidence building activities in our lives think of positive thoughts and block any negative you may have. If you think positively you will feel healthy and confident. To be exact,repparttar 141861 more confident you are,repparttar 141862 better you will be able to cope with some forms of rejection. You will be able to shrug off any disappointments with confidence and look forward torepparttar 141863 positives.

Unfortunately I do not have allrepparttar 141864 answers to this complex part of our lives.I am able though to tell you ,to be strong, be positive, learn about yourself, get to know your weaknesses and be confident.In time you will be able to brush rejection aside and move along in your life with a smile because you know there is someone out there for you.

Norbert is the owner and the author of "Dating Variety Newsletter" available at http://www.iwantudating.com or http://www.datingvariety.com

But Why do we Cheat?

Written by Norbert Lukacsi

Continued from page 1

Here arerepparttar top reasons why either sex cheats:

Women cheat because:

- Other man is more attractive

- Other man is more generous

- Mate is too insensitive

- One man can't satisfy her (insatiable)

- He Cheats and wants revenge

- Man not romantic enough

- Lack of communication

- Higher sex drive then spouse

Men Cheat Because:

- "Bad" Sex

- Not enough time spent together

- She gained too much weight

- She is too damned negative

- She criticizes too much

- Not enough Sex

- She becomes boring

- She is not feminine enough

The bottom line, is that men are and will continue to be attracted to other women and yes, women have and will continue to be attracted to other men too.

Norbert is the owner and the author of "Dating Variety Newsletter" available at http://www.iwantudating.com or http://www.datingvariety.com

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