Have you Fed your 'Good Bugs' Today?

Written by Marjorie Geiser, RD

Continued from page 1

Because flatulence, bloating and abdominal cramps can be an undesirable consequence of taking prebiotics (and even probiotics), it is recommended that anyone considering taking these in supplement form contact a healthcare professional familiar with such products for individualized recommendations. Those who could benefit from taking probiotic and prebiotic supplements include: 1 – People taking antibiotics which kill offrepparttar ‘good bugs’ inrepparttar 115284 intestinal tract. 2 – People who suffer from diarrhea, constipation, gastrointestinal distress, and/or irritable bowel syndrome. 3 – Women who suffer from chronic yeast and/or Candida infections.

Probiotic supplements are available as freeze-dried, powdered, capsules, wafers and liquids. Doses of Acidophilus and Bifidobacteria are expressed in billions of live organisms and a typical dose, unless otherwise recommended, is between 3 billion to 5 billion live organisms. Because probiotics are living organisms and are fragile, they should always be refrigerated. Products found on a shelf, therefore, are not going to contain live organisms and not be as effective. The product label should guarantee a certain number of live organisms byrepparttar 115285 expiration date ofrepparttar 115286 product. There should always be an expiration date.

Prebiotics can be found either with a probiotic product or separately, because FOS and inulin are food forrepparttar 115287 probiotics. If purchased separately, they can be taken together. Some people, because ofrepparttar 115288 high number of ‘bad bugs’ in their gastrointestinal tract, cannot handlerepparttar 115289 two products taken together inrepparttar 115290 beginning. This is where an experienced healthcare professional can be beneficial. The suggested intake of FOS is 2-3 grams per day. Products containing vitamin C, whey protein, or cysteine may improverepparttar 115291 effectiveness of probiotics.

This information is not intended to substitute for medical advice or care that you would receive from your healthcare professional, so always check with your provider. If you are taking medications, or have health issues, make sure you start these products underrepparttar 115292 care of a professional. Some people will notice no harmful effects and these products are generally very safe, but individual sensitivity can alterrepparttar 115293 effects of such products.

If something as simple as providing and feeding your ‘good bugs’ inrepparttar 115294 intestinal tract can improve subtle or severe health issues, it’s certainly time to start feeding our ‘good bugs’ today!

Marjorie Geiser has been teaching health, fitness and nutrition since 1982. She is a nutritionist, registered dietitian, certified personal trainer and life coach. As the owner of MEG Fitness, Marjorie’s goal for her clients is to help them incorporate healthy eating and fitness into their busy lives. You can learn more about Marjorie from her website, www.megfit.com, or contact her via email to margie@megfit.com.

Bodily Attributes!

Written by Seamus Dolly

Continued from page 1

Wasn't it Napoleon that said "If we can perceive it, we can achieve it". I really doubt though, that he was referencing cybernetics. However, it is known thatrepparttar hardware to device communication is possible.

It is also known thatrepparttar 115283 device control is possible. Modern machinery from production machinery to marine vessels have what is known as dynamic positioning control. Research vessels can hold position to within five inches of any point, inrepparttar 115284 Atlantic or other oceans, under normal sea conditions. Twenty years ago, this tolerance was two foot, or feet. Special electrical motors ( though no longer considered special ), make this possible. The older technology was mechanical gearboxes that had a limited reaction time/control.

So, these or similar motor technologies, can be used for robotic arms, legs, eyes, ears, switches, switches for switches, internet connection, or indeed anything that a futuristic mind can contemplate.

What is not generally known, isrepparttar 115285 brain coding, or is it? Can it be figured out? Yes! When? Soon, so hang on.

Look torepparttar 115286 internet andrepparttar 115287 advances that have occurred. Anyone with a phone connection has access to databases, and software features to limit their labour, and such things can be thought of as brain extension. Well isn't it? If you didn't have it, you would be less capable! Complimentary tools are indeed complimentary. We are not born with them, but we are born withrepparttar 115288 power or ability to create them, where resources and some support exist, and whenrepparttar 115289 time in a technological sense is right, or close to it. What is meant by that is that a caveman, for example, could have been a genius, but definitely lacked support from his peers, andrepparttar 115290 framework to achieve much.

At any point in time, none of us can do all that we want, whether we start early enough or not.

The best we can do is to add something and ifrepparttar 115291 time/circumstances is/are right, it could blow up into something phenomenal.

Indeed, whatever we do, is in addition to what has been done before us. The neurosurgeons of today are simply adding torepparttar 115292 knowledge base of their eighteenth century counterparts. Needless to say, you wouldn't let such counterparts near your feet, let alone your head. But they have a part to play inrepparttar 115293 success stories of today. Indeed, some might say that they were "freed" fromrepparttar 115294 "blight" of litigation. That is true, but a little distractive.

You can no longer say "never", only "never, within my lifetime", and you could still be wrong, such arerepparttar 115295 modern day variables.

Seamus Dolly is a webmaster and author. His background is in engineering and analogue electronics and his studies include A+, Net+, and Server+.

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