Have You Plotted Your Story Before Writing It?

Written by Nick Vernon

Continued from page 1

And all this happens when we haven’t figured everything out first.

Your plot isrepparttar foundation of your story. It’srepparttar 128882 skeleton, which will hold your story together. Your plot is there to work everything out first – to see if it can be worked out, and then flesh out that skeleton with other elements that make a story.

Plotting isrepparttar 128883 difference between writing a story for yourself and writing one for an audience. Writing for ourselves doesn’t require too much strain because we only have ourselves to please. It’s when we have to please our readers thatrepparttar 128884 hard work begins.

If you are aiming to sell your stories, plotting is a must.

Have you plotted your story before writing it?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Besides his passion for writing, Nick Vernon runs an online gift site where you will find gift information, articles and readers’ funny stories. Visit http://www.we-recommend.com

Does Your Theme Contain Character, Conflict, Resolution?

Written by Nick Vernon

Continued from page 1

And it’s that conflict andrepparttar strugglerepparttar 128880 characters has to undergo that keeps us readers interested and in suspense. Willrepparttar 128881 character succeed or won’t he? And when is this all going to happen? And how is it all going to happen?


Something that starts has to finish, one way or another.

Once you have created great characters, whichrepparttar 128882 reader will come to care about, and you have placed them in conflict, that conflict atrepparttar 128883 end of your story has to be resolved. The characters will achieve their goals or they won’t.

That doesn’t matter.

You can end your story as you please and as it suits your story – but you have to end it. Endingrepparttar 128884 story means resolvingrepparttar 128885 conflict.

Does your theme contain character, conflict, resolution?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Besides his passion for writing, Nick Vernon runs an online gift site where you will find gift information, articles and readers’ funny stories. Visit http://www.we-recommend.com

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