Have You Ever Run Energy?

Written by Jan Tincher

Continued from page 1

You can do this in your spare time, no less. Let’s say you are sitting atrepparttar dentist office, you are nervous and your tooth hurts. That’s a great time to run energy, both in your teeth and gums and in your stomach! When you learn how to help yourself, you can show others how to help themselves also!

In my new web site, I go into depth on how thoughts help and how they hurt. There are also issues that help you handle your emotions, like fear, anxiety, even hatred. If you are interested in learning more, click here: http://www.tameyourbrain.com/subscribe.htm

Thanks for reading. Jan


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Copyright 2001, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Having problems? Learn how to use your mind -- online! Jan Tincher, Hypnotherapist and Master Neuro-Linguistic Programmer, teaches YOU unique NLP strategies and techniques. Subscribe to FREE E-zine *Tame Your Brain!* Click here! Mailto:subscribe.web@tameyourbrain.com and receive FREE article *Do Butterflies Land On Your Shoulder?*

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Having problems? Learn how to use your mind -- online! Jan Tincher, Hypnotherapist and Master Neuro-Linguistic Programmer, teaches YOU unique NLP strategies and techniques. Subscribe to FREE E-zine *Tame Your Brain!* Click here! Mailto:article.subscribe@tameyourbrain.com and receive FREE article *Do Butterflies Land On Your Shoulder?*

Communicating With Your Doctor - A Guide to Doing It Right

Written by Becky J. Sisk

Continued from page 1

Here are suggestions to help you getrepparttar most accurate information and cooperation fromrepparttar 115824 doctor:

* Ask a friend or family member to come with you. Take notes during your visit, take a tape recorder to recordrepparttar 115825 doctor's instructions, or insist on a written explanation.

* You haverepparttar 115826 right to an explanation of your condition that you understand. Important questions to ask are: "What is wrong?" "What isrepparttar 115827 cause of my condition?" "What are pros and cons of treatment options?" "How do I know if I need to call you or come back to see you?"

* If you do not understandrepparttar 115828 doctor's explanation, say so. Ifrepparttar 115829 doctor has gone on torepparttar 115830 next patient, askrepparttar 115831 nurse to provide an explanation for you or provide you with pamphlets about your condition.

* Make sure you understandrepparttar 115832 action and side effects of any prescribed medication. Find out how often to takerepparttar 115833 pill, whether you can take it during a meal, and any other special instructions. If you get torepparttar 115834 pharmacy to fillrepparttar 115835 prescription and realize that you still do not understand how to take it, ask repparttar 115836 pharmacist for help. Pharmacists are expert at patient teaching, particularly about medications. If you get home and still do not understand what is wrong with you or how to cooperate with treatment, callrepparttar 115837 doctor's office and talk to repparttar 115838 doctor or nurse.

* Askrepparttar 115839 doctor for thorough explanations ofrepparttar 115840 preparation for laboratory tests, x-rays, and other procedures. Results are more accurate, andrepparttar 115841 test does not need to be repeated, when you are appropriately prepared.

* Get acquainted with your insurance plan and how to access care. Some doctors' offices are set up to help you with insurance matters, but not all. Bring your insurance card and any forms that may be necessary, and be prepared to make a co-payment, usually about $10.00.

* Remember that evenrepparttar 115842 best doctor cannot cure everything. You must do your part, too, by following these tips and taking responsibility for your own health.

Becky Sisk, PhD, RN, is your Wizard at "Promoting Good Health for Seniors," http://wz.com/health/PromotingGoodHealthforSeni.html/ and webmaster, NurseScribe, http://www.enursescribe.com/.

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