Hasten to fast???

Written by Dony Peter

Continued from page 1

It is as thoughrepparttar fast justifies our actions henceforth, otherwise how else do you explain people who end up worse than before when they completely abstained fromrepparttar 126709 so called vices.

As inrepparttar 126710 case ofrepparttar 126711 Rio de Janeiro carnival that is held 3 days prior torepparttar 126712 Roman Catholic Lenten season, it is actually a one last ditch at indulging oneself beforerepparttar 126713 fast begins.

Aren’t fasts supposed to purify us, such that our lives become holier? But today, most of us are taking these rituals as some kind of a short-term break that gives us some leeway for a longer period of indulgence. Its your religious passport to one more (technically 11 months) of hassle-free indulgence.

Fasts are good, provided they are adhered to in its spirit. They must not be seen as a means to an end, but instead be enjoyed as another opportunity to better oneself as a continuing process. Otherwise these very fasts may actually become more deadly vices than we can imagine.

To fast or to fast inrepparttar 126714 spirit, that’s a question?

The Author is a young man decided to make a change in the way things are perceived. Visit me at canwe.blogspot.com

Religion ......There it is

Written by Dony Peter

Continued from page 1

And while I'm bothered when somebody drags "My God" into a controversy, i am a little worried forrepparttar the plain "God" who doesn't have any takers.

It also reveals that we want to ascribe to our religious beliefs in a way more thanrepparttar 126708 religion itself dictates. I do feel that most ofrepparttar 126709 timerepparttar 126710 culprit is not "God" who byrepparttar 126711 way was never clear about his real identity and thus createdrepparttar 126712 plethora of confusion among us, but rather our very own religious egos.

The author is a person looking at the world through a different sense of vision. more are canwe.blogspot.com

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