Continued from page 1
Unfortunately, there are still a few problems with it...
The 'big guys' have cornered
Right now,
Fortune 500 companies have cornered
market on direct-to-desktop publishing. And for good reason -- they've been
only ones who could afford it!
These companies have paid huge sums of money to have software developers convert their company materials into compatible content. They've hired professional designers to come up with attractive, customized "reader"applications they can send to their subscribers. And they've put tons of money into developing flashy graphics, streaming audio, and video clips to send out.
There is a tremendous opportunity for marketers to be at
very front of
curve, taking advantage of this red-hot new technology to get secure, direct access to
desktops of your customers... But unfortunately, it's next to impossible for
average person to get set up with direct-to-desktop technology right now.
You need to know a programming language like XML to create your content "feed." And unless you're willing to hire some expensive software developers, your subscribers will have to use a generic "newsreader" application to receive your messages.
Where this new technology is heading
The current situation of direct-to-desktop publishing reminds me of
way things looked on
Internet five years ago, when most companies didn't have web sites yet. Only a few highly funded Internet start-ups (remember
dot-com boom?) had
money, software, and skills to develop a professional site.
Then a few companies started looking at how to make web design accessible to
public -- and now, user-friendly web design software has made it easy for anyone to create a professional-looking e-commerce web site in minutes!
The same thing happened with e-mail marketing. At first, it was just a few entrepreneurs testing
water to see if there was a way to avoid paying postage for direct mail promotions -- and now, thanks to e-mail automation software, it seems like every company is using e-mail to distribute their promotions and newsletters.
And now,
same situation has come up again. This technology will become mainstream in
future, but it's those who get in on it FIRST who will see
biggest profits from it. And at
moment, it's just now affordable for all of us smaller companies that don't make billions of dollars a year.
Corey Rudl Internet Marketing Center
I'll let you in on a 'little secret'...
I know from talking to Corey that he just didn't think it was fair that Fortune 500 companies are
only ones that can afford this technology, while marketers like you and me have to settle for inferior, stop-gap solutions.
And I know that he and his team have been quietly working on a solution to allow "regular" small online business owners start using "direct-to-desktop" technology for a tiny fraction of what those Fortune 500 companies are paying...
Just recently, Corey released his powerful new solution to a select group of his customers and subscribers... complete with customization, branding, and tracking tools BEYOND what these $10,000+ solutions typically offer.
And now YOU have
opportunity gain a HUGE advantage by making sure you reach
market with this FIRST -- long before your competitors even know it exists!
Go to:
... but don't delay, because like Corey said,
marketers who use this first will be
ones to see
biggest profits.
I hope this information helps you kick your online marketing into
next generation!
Hannes Johnson

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