Has Alcoholics Anonymous Lost its way?

Written by Ted W.

Continued from page 1
Times have changed since then. All references torepparttar Holy Bible have been taken out ofrepparttar 132247 later editions ofrepparttar 132248 Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, and not by accident. But that’s not all. AA has a tradition which states: “No AA group or member should ever, in such a way as to implicate AA, express any opinion on outside controversial issues” Despite this fact, AA has taken a position of subtly and not so subtly endorsing homosexuality. There are many examples but one will suffice. Contrast that previous statement by an early AA with this statement by a modern AA: In A.A. today, I know sober leather fans, transvestites, and members of every other sexual group there is. Butrepparttar 132249 only important thing here is that we are all human beings, all alcoholics, and all in A.A. together.* The sad fact is thatrepparttar 132250 Gay Rights movement has infiltrated Alcoholics Anonymous and its literature. Being Gay is equated with being Jewish, Black, or Native American onrepparttar 132251 Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Website: http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org/english/E_Pamphlets/P-13_d1.html Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Gays and Lesbians out to be excluded from AA, but only told that sin is sin. Anything less is a disservice to everyone, and contrary torepparttar 132252 will ofrepparttar 132253 Creator whose blessing we all seek.

AA has lost its way, and should promptly admit its wrong.

*The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, First edition **My name is Padric, and I'm and Alcoholic (gay)

Ted W. is a long time (20+ years)memeber of Alcoholics Anonymous. He publishes a blog at http://Christianrecovery.blogspot.com

Passing The Torch

Written by Virginia Bola, PsyD

Continued from page 1

As children, we sawrepparttar pictures and heardrepparttar 132245 stories ofrepparttar 132246 Nazi Holocaust and wept in disbelief, guilt, and shame. The entire world swore that it would never happen again even whilerepparttar 132247 Soviet Empire was killing millions of its own citizens. 60 years afterrepparttar 132248 megalomania of Hitler was crushed,repparttar 132249 world is still filled with hate and violence. Barbed wire festers across too many bloody and doomed landscapes.

Where shall we find a new and better generation to carry our torch into a brighter future? We look to our children, busy playing violent video games, listening to hate rock music, and watching destructive films where carnage andrepparttar 132250 will to power reign supreme. Are these to berepparttar 132251 world's saviors?

Mankind falters alongrepparttar 132252 evolutionary road that brought us out ofrepparttar 132253 swamps and created a world of luxury, knowledge, and immense creativity. Our goal must always be to stamp outrepparttar 132254 evil destructiveness that seems to be an integral part of being human, while nurturingrepparttar 132255 civilization,repparttar 132256 intelligence,repparttar 132257 willingness to give and take, andrepparttar 132258 love and forgiveness that is also part of our complex nature.

On January 1, we are 5 years intorepparttar 132259 new millennium. It has not been an auspicious beginning. It is up to us to stand up and be counted. By our lives, by every act we do, by every word we speak, we must bear witness torepparttar 132260 beauty, creativity, and altruism of mankind and forever disavowrepparttar 132261 base part of our beings which has held sway for far, far too long.

Happy New Year.

Virginia Bola is a licensed clinical psychologist with deep interests in Social Psychology and politics. She has performed therapeutic services for more than 20 years and has studied the results of cultural forces and employment on the individual. The author of an interactive workbook, The Wolf at the Door: An Unemployment Survival Manual, and a monthly ezine, The Worker's Edge, she can be reached at http://drvirginiabola.blogspot.com

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