Harnessing Your Intuition to Enhance Your Safety

Written by Tonya Genison Prince

Continued from page 1

·Be aware that it is dangerous to leave your beverages unattended if you are inrepparttar company of persons you do not know and trust well whether male or female.

Trustrepparttar 130608 voice of your core if you are getting a message that someone is being too controlling. ·Be aware that it is not safe to be in a position that causes you to be dependent upon another person. Carry a well-charged cell phone and always know whom you can call in a jam.

·When communicating your limits and boundaries speak fromrepparttar 130609 core. Speak clearly in short concise statements. Polite statements may be ignored. Make it clear that your decision is not up for discussion.

·Be aware that many victims will never share their painful secret with those who might expect that they would. Reassurerepparttar 130610 people in your life care about that they can come to you ifrepparttar 130611 unfortunate happens and someone assaults them. Children and other loved ones should be assured that you will not blame them and they will not be in trouble if they share “secrets” with you. Takerepparttar 130612 time to educate yourself about sexual assault andrepparttar 130613 effects onrepparttar 130614 victims, you may need it sooner than you realize.

·Be aware that many victims will never share their painful secret with those who might expect that they would. Right now isrepparttar 130615 time to talk to your loved ones who will be attending college. Maintain ongoing communication with young men as well as young women about safe behavior. Encourage young men to educate themselves about consent and remind them to follow their intuition and not be lured into supporting jokes or situations in which someone may be assaulted.

These points of awareness may help to reduce your risk of sexual assault but may not entirely prevent this violent crime from occurring. It is important to keep in mind thatrepparttar 130616 offender is always to blame and that sexual assault is neverrepparttar 130617 fault ofrepparttar 130618 survivor. No one asks or deserves to be sexually assaulted. Ifrepparttar 130619 unfortunate does happen, be aware that help is available.

Tonya Genison Prince is a personal coach and editor of two newsletters; "Arise" for people of faith who have experienced sexual assault, and "Sing" provides knowledge to their wise counsel. With 10 years experience as a family violence advocate and counselor; she is also a speaker/trainer for persons of faith on how to minister to survivors of sexual assault. For subscription, booking, consultation or product information contact tonyaprince@princegeorges.com

Luxury For Less : Decorating on a Budget

Written by Camen Natschke

Continued from page 1

Re-Arrange: So easy and possible to do in an afternoon. This is another way to get maximum impact without putting a dent in your wallet. Try configuring your furniture layout until you are pleased. Sometimes you really don’t need new furniture you just need to place it correctly to make it look like you did buy new furniture.

Re-Evaluate: Takerepparttar time to inventory your décor. You will be pleasantly surprised at how much you really do have! Once you know what you have you can decide what to do with it. If you have a wingback chair in your bedroom collecting old clothes and dust, then re-evaluate it! Maybe you need to move that chair to complete a perfect conversation area in your living room.

Re-Move: If you don’t use it or will have no use for it, then remove it! Donate it to your favorite charity, ask a friend if they can put it to good use or if it is a total loss, toss it! Don’t crowd your home and life with “dead” pieces, it will only cause you grief and frustration.

Re-Finish: If you have pieces that are in good condition and still functional then give it a face-lift. Re-upholster that old tired sofa or striprepparttar 130605 paint on that chest of drawers and either stain it or paint it to make it new again!

Re-cycle: Before you throw anything away, think about how it can be given a second life. We all have clothes in our closets that we have put there to be forgotten. Well think about using that old bridesmaids or prom dress as fabric for your fabulous new pillows. Again learn to approachrepparttar 130606 ordinary items in your home with fresh eyes!

Carmen Natschke is a designer, speaker and co-founder of Room In A Kit LLC. She is passionate about decorating and has shared that passion with hundreds of women through her Decorating Divas workshops and seminars. To read more decorating articles by Carmen visit (http://www.roominakit.com).

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