Handle Stress Like A Monk

Written by Lisa van den Berg

Continued from page 1

One ofrepparttar most profound secrets to enable you to stop fighting change and learning to relish it, is our 'Attitude'.

Instead of seeing a potential change as a threat, learn to welcomerepparttar 123993 prospect of a challenge as a wonderful learning tool.

Stop! Analyzerepparttar 123994 event and seerepparttar 123995 wood forrepparttar 123996 trees.

So often we get caught up in emotion and this blinds us from seeing what is actually going on. We get so wrapped up inrepparttar 123997 'drama' ofrepparttar 123998 situation that we makerepparttar 123999 situation appear much more complicated than it actually is.

A wonderful set of techniques I use to get through stressful situations are:

-Take a deep breath, -Separate yourself fromrepparttar 124000 situation (look down on it as if you're flying), -Sift throughrepparttar 124001 emotions you're feeling and see if you are dramatizing them, -Get torepparttar 124002 root of why you're feeling that way and what is actually happening, -Seeing if you really have any reason to be feeling as apprehensive as you do, -Picturerepparttar 124003 desirable outcome of getting throughrepparttar 124004 change, well, -Pray to God that He will give yourepparttar 124005 strength to get throughrepparttar 124006 change, Brilliantly! -Change your attitude to one of faith in God, faith in yourself and your abilities, and a gratefulness for all that you will learn from this experience.

Follow these steps whenever you're faced with a stressful situation. See how clearing awayrepparttar 124007 'emotional fog', helps you to resolverepparttar 124008 situation quickly and easily. It enables you to handlerepparttar 124009 stress and even look forward torepparttar 124010 challenge of getting torepparttar 124011 other side.

Namaste Lisa van den Berg

Lisa van den Berg is the author of Alleviate-Stress - How to WIN at the Game of Life! She also publishes a weekly e-zine 'Empower Your Life!' that's filled with tips and techniques that will help you live the Life you deserve. Subscribe now at http://www.thealternativerookie.com !

Faith Does Move Mountains

Written by Lisa van den Berg

Continued from page 1

When things get too much for you to handle, I always advise that you sayrepparttar following verse to yourself and follow its sage advice

'I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help.

If Life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it inrepparttar 123992 SFGTH (something for God to handle) box. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours.'

Oncerepparttar 123993 matter is placed inrepparttar 123994 box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead focus on allrepparttar 123995 wonderful things that are present in your Life now.

It works for me without fail. The stronger my Faith becomesrepparttar 123996 more I know that I am not alone and that God will help me through everything in my life. I imagine Him to be sitting atrepparttar 123997 back ofrepparttar 123998 hall when I give a speech, holding me in his arms when I cry, cradling me to sleep when I'm tired and pinning a gold medal on my jacket when I've achieved.

Imagine a box and put all your cares and worries into it. Wrap it up nicely and hand it over to God and, as it says, don't think aboutrepparttar 123999 problems any longer, just know thatrepparttar 124000 answers will come in their own time. Keep an eye out forrepparttar 124001 signs He will send, and soon you will haverepparttar 124002 solution to all that troubles you.

I do not know which verse inrepparttar 124003 Bible this is, but it inspires me to keeprepparttar 124004 Faith.

'Worry not about what you should eat or drink or what you should wear, for your Heavenly Father knows you need all of these things, but first seekrepparttar 124005 Kingdom of God and all these things will be given to you.'

May you findrepparttar 124006 Faith you need to get where you want to go.

Lisa van den Berg is the author of Alleviate-Stress - How to WIN at the Game of Life! She also publishes a weekly e-zine 'Empower Your Life!' that's filled with tips and techniques that will help you live the Life you deserve. Subscribe now at http://www.TheAlternativeRookie.com !

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