Handguns - A Moral Imperative

Written by Kathryn A. Graham

Continued from page 1

It would be absolute horror, and it would be inevitable.

Okay, bad idea. So let’s keep a few guns, just forrepparttar cops andrepparttar 126053 military. That should solverepparttar 126054 problem, right?


The founding fathers of this country knew what they were doing when they wroterepparttar 126055 Bill of Rights in 1781 AD. In that day and age, it was unthinkable for a grown man not to have weapons, so why did they need to specifically state thatrepparttar 126056 right to keep and bear arms was sacred?

They said this because most of them had come here from Europe, from countries where they had good reason to fear governmental authority. Most European countries were already beginning to disarm their citizens, and an intelligent man didn’t need a roadmap to see where this was going. An armed government and a disarmed populace is an absolute guarantee of tyranny.

This is whatrepparttar 126057 U.N. wants to do to you. They want you to surrender your arms meekly and begrepparttar 126058 protection of your government. They want to permanently forbid you to sell arms to less fortunate men and women anywhere inrepparttar 126059 world who are shedding blood to resist tyranny. Of course, keep in mind thatrepparttar 126060 men and women who are trying to make this decision for you are all representatives of various governments themselves, and many of those governments are very repressive indeed. Small wonder they want their people disarmed and kept that way! It might help to keep their collective hides unperforated for just a bit longer.

I believe it is time to remove our nation fromrepparttar 126061 United Nations, and to removerepparttar 126062 United Nations – forcibly if necessary – from U.S. soil. Have you written your congressman to say so?

Is it moral to carry arms? You bet it is! When I enter your home or your business with a firearm, concealed or otherwise, I am tacitly agreeing to share with yourepparttar 126063 responsibility for defending your property and your family. When I eat inrepparttar 126064 same restaurant, I am prepared to shed my blood in your defense. There are survivors ofrepparttar 126065 horror at Luby’s in Killeen, Texas, who would appreciate what I am saying here.

I will never, never need to ask some poor cop to die for me. I value my own life enough to defend it myself. I carry arms proudly, as a free American.

Do you?

At a tiny 5'1", Kathryn A. Graham is a licensed private investigator, pilot, aircraft mechanic and handgun instructor in Texas. Also a prolific author, she has written numerous articles, short stories and a science fiction novel. http://www.kathrynagraham.com/

Fiction Imitates Life

Written by Kathryn A. Graham

Continued from page 1

It's time to get off your fat asses, people. It's stop to stop drinking that beer and eating those pretzels. It's time to write your representatives - daily - and let them know how pissed off you really are. It's time to let some professional politicians know that they are going to be out of a job - and probably unemployable and sleeping under a bridge - if they won't start doing what you elected them to do right now. It's time to march inrepparttar streets and wave signs - even get arrested if that's what it takes. Be as obnoxious as you can!

Refuse - always non-violently - to give up your rights and your liberties. Teach your children what America should be - don't leave it torepparttar 126052 schools to brainwash them into accepting any "New World Order." Help them to understand that governments are just governments - only individuals can give up their liberties, and when they do, they might as well be dead. Teach them from real books, notrepparttar 126053 watered down pap that won't mention freedom, orrepparttar 126054 U.S. Constitution, orrepparttar 126055 founding fathers. Hell, they won't even userepparttar 126056 word "war" inrepparttar 126057 schools anymore, and I've actually met several high school kids who'd never heard of Patrick Henry!

Of course, Henry would probably be locked up as a dangerous subversive today. Our leaders don't want any "Give me liberty, or give me death" ideas reaching our youngsters. Really scary stuff.

And since when has World War II becomerepparttar 126058 "second global conflict"? My real father (who served during that "conflict"!) must be revolving in his grave!

Find those candidates who are not professional politicians. They do exist, because a lot of Americans are scared and unhappy withrepparttar 126059 status quo right now. Find them, volunteer your time and money - go stump door to door for them if you have to. These people are a treasure beyond price. They are our only - and I do mean our only - hope, Help them win!

Work with other organizations! My first loyalty is to Armed Females of America. I amrepparttar 126060 Texas Director, because this organization is about what I believe in, right downrepparttar 126061 line.

Yes, I am angry withrepparttar 126062 NRA for surrendering my rights for more than 35 years! But, dammit, they are 80 million strong, and most ofrepparttar 126063 rank and file members are no fonder of compromise than I am!

Second Amendment Sisters also compromises more than I like. But, dammit, 95% ofrepparttar 126064 time, we are allies!

The Libertarian Second Amendment Caucus is right downrepparttar 126065 line with every single thing that Armed Females of America stands for! It was founded by L. Neil Smith,repparttar 126066 best (and most vocal) friendrepparttar 126067 Second Amendment folks have ever had.

The Brady idiots can work together - so why can'trepparttar 126068 gun people? We'd better learn, and quickly, too, or we are sunk, sunk, sunk!

Persuade your community to do what a couple of others have done - vote your city or town or even just your neighborhood into a "U.N. Free Zone." What a wonderful way to send a global message!

Own as many, and as lethal, firearms as you legally can. I do not suggest you use them. The very existence of an extremely large and well-armed populace has always been enough to give our government serious pause when it considers mistreating its citizens, and we have no reason to believe it won't work this time.

Wake up, people! Defense against tyranny was alwaysrepparttar 126069 reason forrepparttar 126070 Second Amendment! Self-defense is a good thing. Prevention of crime is a good thing. Butrepparttar 126071 real reasonrepparttar 126072 right to keep and bear arms was considered sacred byrepparttar 126073 founding fathers of this country was to prevent tyranny! Nothing has changed today, except of course thatrepparttar 126074 folks who want to control your lives (and not to your benefit!) are trying to deprive you of this right. Gee, I wonder why that would be . . .

Could it possibly be that they are trying to prevent large, leaky holes from appearing in their various anatomies?

I hear it from people every day. You're afraid these tactics won't work. Horse manure! The tactics I describe here endedrepparttar 126075 Vietnam war when our leaders most emphatically did not want said very profitable war to end - and without starting a civil war inrepparttar 126076 process - although I admit that we did come dangerously close a time or two.

Were there casualties? You bet there were! Most were on or near college campuses, as a matter of fact - kidsrepparttar 126077 age of most combat soldiersrepparttar 126078 world over. Will there be casualties this time? Yes, there are sure to be. Will there be deaths? I truly hope not, butrepparttar 126079 lessons of history all say there will be. Can't handle that idea? I pity you.

I might even be one of those casualties myself. Or worse from my point of view, I could end up with yearly tax audits forrepparttar 126080 rest of my miserable days.

But I cannot - and I damned well will not! - sit here and do nothing while I watchrepparttar 126081 country I love wither and die from within.

My personal hero, Thomas Jefferson, once said: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time withrepparttar 126082 blood of patriots & tyrants. It is its natural manure."

So let's start spreading a little of that smelly stuff around, folks. It's time to cultivate a big, fat tree!

At a tiny 5'1", Kathryn A. Graham is a licensed private investigator, pilot, aircraft mechanic and handgun instructor in Texas. Also a prolific author, she has written numerous articles, short stories and a science fiction novel. http://www.kathrynagraham.com/

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