Hair Braids And Cornrows

Written by Marquetta Breslin

Continued from page 1

Cornrows or track braids lay againstrepparttar scalp without any tension. It is one ofrepparttar 113689 healthiest of all braiding styles. You can make cornrows by a process of braiding and picking up hair along a row. You can use your own hair or artificial hair extensions to design it. The hair to make cornrows should be approximately 5 cm in for springy African hair and 7 to 8 cm for straight hair. However, you can manage with shorter hair if you use extensions.

With proper maintenance, cornrows can last from four to six weeks. The hair may lock or matt if you leave them for too long. Keep your hair moisturized and protect it from harmful elements. Cover your hair with a silk or satin scarf while sleeping at night. It is better if you can sleep on an African headrest. Unbraidrepparttar 113690 cornrows immediately if you find them tight and uncomfortable.

My name is Marquetta Breslin and I'm a professional hair braider with over 12 years of experiance. I own where I sell intructional hair braiding and weave DVDs teaching the world how to braid and weave.

Twenty Hair Myths and Misconceptions

Written by Marquetta Breslin

Continued from page 1
11. If you followrepparttar conception that you should trim your split ends at home, better give it a thought and visit a professional when required. 12. Another myth related to hair growth is that hair grows at uniform pace. 13. To consider that hair texture remainsrepparttar 113688 same no matter how you treat is wrong. It can undergo notable changes with time and care. 14. If you shave your baby’s scalp and think that it will change his or her hair-texture then you are mistaken. 15. Using hair color during pregnancy is harmful. This is a notion wrong. 16. Virgin root hairs do not require special care. You have to do away with this misconception. 17. One ofrepparttar 113689 bizarre notions that you often come across is that blow-drying causesrepparttar 113690 hair to smoke. 18. If you holdrepparttar 113691 view that your smoking habit does not facilitates graying of hair, you are wrong to think so. 19. You may growrepparttar 113692 notion that gray hair can only be covered by permanent hair colors, it is not exactly so. 20. Another interesting mythical notion is that conditioner does not provide any benefit as it is rinsed out ofrepparttar 113693 hair.

You have to combat these myths so you can take care of your hair properly.

My name is Marquetta Breslin and I'm a professional hair braider with over 12 years of experiance. I own where I sell intructional hair braiding and weave DVDs teaching the world how to braid and weave.

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