Written by Rolf Gruen

Continued from page 1
Provide managers withrepparttar information they need to reward for performance. A good appraisal system will openrepparttar 107082 door for performance- related discussion and career progression opportunities, while objectively indicating areas that deserve reward and recognition and those that need to be improved upon. Keep it simple—avoid multi-page documents that can grind your organization to a halt with a blizzard of paperwork. Look atrepparttar 107083 big picture. Too often over-worked managers can make snap judgements based on onlyrepparttar 107084 most recent performance, without looking atrepparttar 107085 overall contributions of an individual. Standardizing your performance appraisal system and adhering to frequent review of data and exchange of two-way communication will keep things in perspective. Focus onrepparttar 107086 future. In referring to positive performance, make references to how it can be carried on in future endeavors and when discussing opportunities for improvement, and work toward mutual agreement for new work habits and higher expectations. Discuss options for coaching or additional training to encourage a commitment to meet agreed upon performance outcomes. No surprises. The savvy manager will always conduct ongoing development conversations with his or her team members, sorepparttar 107087 performance review meeting should not berepparttar 107088 arena to discuss negative results or behaviors forrepparttar 107089 first time. Give your team members verbal feedback and adequate time to improve before documenting a problem. It’s important to considerrepparttar 107090 message you want your employees to take with them fromrepparttar 107091 experience of appraisal. Be careful with assigning numbers—but do so in a consistent manner. If you are not careful, you can lose people who will be put off by a sloppy administration of performance appraisals. But if it is done carefully and well, it can maximizerepparttar 107092 capabilities ofrepparttar 107093 individuals and will contribute torepparttar 107094 well-being ofrepparttar 107095 employees, management and organization as a whole.

Rolf Gruen is the senior vice president and general manager of leading career services company Lee Hecht Harrison's Seattle office.

15 Ideas for Planning Your Successful Career

Written by Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant/Trainer

Continued from page 1

Expressing gratitude: Developrepparttar habit of sending brief notes of thanks to anyone who has made your day easier.

Positively speaking: Look for positive things to say about people, especially your co-workers.

Being approachable: Make yourself approachable. Let people know when and how to reach you.

Following-up: After a task-assigning meeting, follow-up immediately on those assignments that were given to you.

Spotting trends: Learn to spot trends that affect your company or agency. Berepparttar 107081 first person to alert those in a position to capitalize on them.

Presenting effectively: Be certain that you speak clearly and precisely when making presentations. Speak with confidence and admit honestly when you don't know, but promise to return with an answer promptly.

Readingrepparttar 107082 trades: Determine which publications top management is reading, then get a copy of them so that you, too, can become knowledgeable of relevant matters.

Making contact: Establish a contact person in all your referral sources. Make it a point to meet with that person so that you can get to know each other. It will help make your future contacts easier for both of you.

Remembering your manners: Never forget to be polite or to followrepparttar 107083 proper protocol. It lets people know that you mean business, that you take your business relationships seriously.

Put these fifteen ideas into practice, and I guarantee you that you will see yourself progressing faster and farther than you thought possible.

Remember: When you maximize your potential, everyone wins. When you don't, we all lose. © MMIV, Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW

Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant maintains several online businesses. Take a free health survey at; get travel updates at; or email him at

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