Written by Dr. Erika Dreifus

Continued from page 1

3) If you'll be traveling, take advantage of any complimentary publications that may come your way: inflight magazines, morning newspapers at hotels, and so on. Again, these may provide you sample issues for markets that you haven't considered before.

4) If you're visiting anyone out-of-town, stop byrepparttar local library, and check outrepparttar 128708 magazinesrepparttar 128709 library keeps stocked. It's quite likely that you'll discover some—especially regional publications—that you won't be able to research as easily back home.

Can you think of other possibilities? Add them torepparttar 128710 list! Happy holidays, and happy market-hunting.

(c) Copyright 2004 Erika Dreifus. All rights reserved. Article reprint permission is granted provided thatrepparttar 128711 entire article--includingrepparttar 128712 Author Bio--remains intact and unaltered. Please send a copy ofrepparttar 128713 reprint to erikadrei (at) yahoo (dot) com.

About the Author: Dr. Erika Dreifus edits the free monthly newsletter, "The Practicing Writer," and is the author of several resource guides, including "The Practicing Writer's Directory of Paying Short Story Markets" and "The Practicing Writer's Guide to No-Cost Literary Contests and Competitions." Visit her website at

Writers Turn to the Internet for Support, Friendship and Advice

Written by Patricia Gatto

Continued from page 1

I have found such a writer's haven. A speakeasy filled with poets and prophets, editors, agents and journalists. A space whererepparttar published and unpublished exist together. By invitation only, I secretly foundrepparttar 128706 backdoor into this cyber club. Over two hundred members and growing strong, this forum has everything from professional guest visitors to idle chatter. A place to receive feedback on your work, ask questions, share information, make contacts, friendships and share your successes and defeats.

Now thatrepparttar 128707 secret code to this cyber club has been lifted, Backspace - The Writer's Place is open torepparttar 128708 public. Why not click openrepparttar 128709 door and lurk for awhile? After you get to knowrepparttar 128710 posters, reach out for some feedback on your work. Then you can move torepparttar 128711 next phase with confidence. For afterrepparttar 128712 dreaded critique process, you must endure another hurdle,repparttar 128713 query letter. Why not tackle it withrepparttar 128714 help of your new cyber friends at Backspace?

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Writers Turn torepparttar 128716 Internet for Support, Friendship and Advice Author: Patricia Gatto Copyright 2004. All Rights Reserved. Category: Writer's Resources, Internet Word Count (including Resource Box): 575

Patricia Gatto and John De Angelis are the authors of MILTON'S DILEMMA, the tale of a lonely boy’s magical journey to friendship and self-acceptance. As advocates for literacy and children's rights, the authors speak at schools and community events to foster awareness and provide children with a safe and healthy learning environment. For more information, please visit Joyful Productions at

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